Graffiti art

These are from my trip out west. I have always known that the graffiti in SF is practically legendary and it certainly blew the pathetic scrawl from the east right outta the water.
However, trying to find a new way to capture it was, umm... challenging. I squeezed off a couple of dozen shots but realized that my angles were all mushing together into the same ol' same ol'.
At least processing these was much easier than almost anything else I've ever done. The colors speak for themselves! I wish some of it was even partially legible. :bluduh

Previous to seeing this stuff, the fanciest graffiti I've seen in my home state was this:

Which I guess isn't too bad. It's better than I could do... if I was a vandal.
However, trying to find a new way to capture it was, umm... challenging. I squeezed off a couple of dozen shots but realized that my angles were all mushing together into the same ol' same ol'.
At least processing these was much easier than almost anything else I've ever done. The colors speak for themselves! I wish some of it was even partially legible. :bluduh

Previous to seeing this stuff, the fanciest graffiti I've seen in my home state was this:

Which I guess isn't too bad. It's better than I could do... if I was a vandal.

All cool, but I love that 2nd shot. The person in it is just so unbelievably cool, IMO.
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David, you have very good eyes!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
I just wish I could read and/or understand half of it also.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
While graffiti can be dazzling--you found some great examples here--by itself it doesn't usually make a very compelling photograph. There needs to be something else in the frame to give it context or contrast. I like 1, 2 and 3 more than the others because each one has an additional element, even though the actual graffiti are certainly better in the latter shots.
Nice work.
Richard, you're absolutely right and I never thought about that before. I wish this realization had come to me sooner! Thank you for giving me something new to think about.
Jim I'm thinking that graffiti artists are kind of like doctors - you're not supposed to be able to read what they write!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Wow Schmooo, these are really cool
Some Graffiti Artist really are worthy of being called ARTISTS in their own right, but some Graffiti Artists work is just garbage.
I love this stuff, the colours and the designs.
You've done a wonderful job with this lot as you always do
Thanks for sharing..... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
and great place n art
My Gallery
Thanks for the reminder! Of course you're getting there a bit earlier than I, but I look forward to your cheeriness keeping my energy levels up during the long days of shooting. :giggle
And... You are very right! Ever since I got back I have been keeping my eyes peeled for nice graffiti but no matter what state I'm in on the east coast nothing really compares. I am surprisingly sad about that. I have also noticed that the sentiment behind much of the tagging I see out here is completely different - what I can read is clearly the product of angry, angsty, usually very racist minds. Very very different from graffiti Art, which is lovely and the embodiment of urban expression (IMO).
Hmm, soapbox... how did I get up here??
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
I think you did really good with your shots. Not like its easy to work out excellent shots in an enviroment like this.
Looks like you got some thoughtful angles. Getting interesting stuff was on your mind. I also think that in order to get the well done graffiti
one is pretty much going to have to shoot it straight on. Like you have.
No Michaelangelo's working the ceiling?
Look at the time they have to do this kind of "art" where it is actually art. They don't seem to mind rolling paint over other pieces to put up their own. Speaking of paint, are these people bankrolling themselves or do they have sponsors?
Ouch, thats gotta hurt.
around. City to city et.... So maybe the good eastern talent is out west and inbetween. I ran into some pretty intersting pieces in the middle of nowhere, so's to speak, about 2 months ago. Unexpected. I fussed over angles too.
I've concluded, for myself, theres nothing to read better than half time. So, I give up trying to read words and just look at the various pieces for what ever I can enjoy about it.
Heck, I better quit this wordy thing.
Really terrific photos. I also enjoyed your SF post in the Journeys forum.
Where is this amazing location? I'd love to check it out.
I especially like #3 with the added foreground element.
Fremont, CA
SmugMug Gallery