
Setting Photoshop Color Settings

drcarldrcarl Registered Users Posts: 104 Major grins
edited August 31, 2007 in Finishing School
Is there a list somewhere on how to set Photoshop's Color Settings?

I sure wish I had it because PS is so awesomely powerful and I bet the settings matter.

I shoot in sRGB, (sometimes RAW), use images for online viewing and for printing through Smugmug, have the EZ Prints profile, and no monitor calibration hardware (yet).

Canon 10D, Windows XP on a CRT, IE7...Photoshop CS, Bridge....


Dr Carl


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    BinaryFxBinaryFx Registered Users Posts: 707 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2007
    drcarl wrote:
    Is there a list somewhere on how to set Photoshop's Color Settings?

    I sure wish I had it because PS is so awesomely powerful and I bet the settings matter.

    I shoot in sRGB, (sometimes RAW), use images for online viewing and for printing through Smugmug, have the EZ Prints profile, and no monitor calibration hardware (yet).

    Canon 10D, Windows XP on a CRT, IE7...Photoshop CS, Bridge....


    Dr Carl

    In CS I would start by using the drop down preset menu at the head of the colour settings dialog box.

    I would select "Photoshop 5 Default Spaces" from the list of Adobe supplied defaults. This has important things pre-set in it such as preserving profiles and profile warnings on with sRGB etc.

    Then I would change the CMYK working space to US Web Coated (SWOP) v2. This step is optional, in your workflow it sounds like you don't use CMYK working spaces in Photoshop.

    The preset will now be custom, perhaps hit the save button to then save a .CSF of your preferred settings with a descriptive name "my colour settings" etc.

    Hope this helps,

    Stephen Marsh.
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