Looks like your games are done during daylight? Our games don't start till 7:30pm, which is horrible . Nice, crisp shots!
Thanks Marina....nothing better than daylight ..they are redoing their fields so Williams Bay is playing on a practice field with no lights...friday games are at 4:30 & there are a couple of noon saturday games.
**If I keep shooting, I'm bound to hit something**
Nice shots! I see your one of the lucky ones who can shoot high school games in daylight. Here in Georgia it's typically a 7:30 p.m. start for games. This time of year we can get a little assistance from the sun until about the end of the 1st quarter.
Kent "Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams Web site
Nice shots! I see your one of the lucky ones who can shoot high school games in daylight. Here in Georgia it's typically a 7:30 p.m. start for games. This time of year we can get a little assistance from the sun until about the end of the 1st quarter.
thanks..next year they will play night games.:cry
**If I keep shooting, I'm bound to hit something**
D200, D2Xs, 70-200 f/2.8, 300 f/2.8, 200-400 f/4, 17-55 f/2.8, 10.5 f/2.8, 105 f/2.8, 80-400// 1DMIIn, 1DMIII, 16-35 f/2.8, 24-70 f/2.8, 300 f/2.8, 100-400
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
thanks.....I did not use fill flash..if the faces are real dark I'll dodge them a bit
Thanks Marina....nothing better than daylight
"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
Web site
thanks..next year they will play night games.:cry