
Preset White Balance Values and Capture NX

QuicklebeQuicklebe Registered Users Posts: 25 Big grins
edited September 5, 2007 in Finishing School
I find using the expodisc to be very useful to obtain an accurate white balance preset with my D80. My question is how do I find the value of the white balance preset?

I am using Capture NX and shooting raw. When I open the nef photo in Capture NX I can modify the white balance in several different ways. However, when I use the recorded value I cannot modify the white balance and the value is not displayed.

I would like to do is to determine the value of the preset so I can then modify it slightly to make the picture slightly warmer or cooler.



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    BinaryFxBinaryFx Registered Users Posts: 707 Major grins
    edited September 3, 2007
    Bump...This is not my main area, I am only replying because this question has remained unanswered.

    Is the ExpoDisc a physical target/chart (spectrally neutral) that you hold/place in the first shot in controlled lighting to set white balance upon?

    Do you:

    a] Set a custom white balance in the camera by shooting this white object, telling the camera that this target should be the fixed WB setting for future shots?

    b] Using your Nikon Capture NX software, use the white balance eyedropper to click on the first frame that contains the ExpoDisc to set that in the raw converter as the WB default for the shoot?

    Not knowing ExpoDisc and the Nikon software in question I am not much help. Hope this gets the ball rolling in regards to further replies!


    Stephen Marsh.
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    QuicklebeQuicklebe Registered Users Posts: 25 Big grins
    edited September 4, 2007
    Expodisc, Nikon, and Capture NX
    The expodisc is used to help determine a custom white balance. It typically works quite well. Using the Nikon D80 the process is very simple.

    The steps are as follows:

    1. Choose the preset white balance.
    2. Place the expodisc over the lens and point the lens at the light source.
    3. Click the shutter. Instead of a picture being taken, the white balance is determined.
    4. Any subsequent pictures use the preset value.

    The system is set up so you do not have to take an actual picture. Unfortunately I do not know how to retrieve the white balance value of the preset.
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    BinaryFxBinaryFx Registered Users Posts: 707 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2007
    Are you sure that subsequent pictures are using this 'custom' or 'as shot' WB setting? What temp/tint is this setting and does it look right to you going from your memory of the scene? By default most converters look for the as shot WB setting to start with, as you are using Nikon software it should do a better job with the WB since the camera maker knows how their camera performs, so I would expect the as shot setting to be correct if you did setup a custom WB first. Hope this makes sense.


    Stephen Marsh.
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