A bit of this + a bit of that

Thiago SigristThiago Sigrist Registered Users Posts: 336 Major grins
edited September 6, 2007 in People
Hi friends!

Long time no post, eh? :dunno

So I thought I'd just stop by to see how you've been doing, and what I see doesn't surprise me: great shots crowding these forums! :thumb

During all this time I didn't post here, I took a lot of pictures. So let's take a look at a select few I enjoyed taking. I hope you don't mind the mishmash of styles and equipment I've used (from 6x6 medium format film to subcompact digital).


This one was with the 6x6 Rolleiflex TLR. Renan, with the red T-shirt, is a good friend of mine, and a great photographer, he shoots with Nikon (D)SLR stuff. In this shot I tried to use the front focus to give viewers the impression he is coming towards the focused area. It's nice to experiment every once in a while. :D


Here's another one with Renan. Now you can see he's in action! I really liked this scene, overall, and the colors, tones... Even though I think the framing's a bit tight and the houses in the BG are somewhat distracting.


This is my girlfriend, Samara. :lust
I took this photo during a Sunday afternoon walk. I really dig the way she looks in this shot! :lust
But sorry folks for the awful film scanning, with light leaks and all. And oh, before you ask, I cropped the top of her head off to make the photo look more like a fashion shot (yeah right :rofl).


Here's my lovely girlfriend again, reading, at her parents' home. I love how her smile glows, she's just like that in real life.


Another of her, same day even! Beautiful smile... :lust


This is my granny. I really like this shot, despite the cacti. I guess it was either "no cacti, bad angle" or "cacti, good angle" (but perhaps not). I went for the latter, and I like the way granny looks on this shot.
For a change, this wasn't shot with the 6x6, but rather with my DSLR and normal (31mm) lens, processed to have loads of contrast (B&W-ish) and at the same time, somewhat saturated colors.


Dad, and mom holding our dog. I really like their expressions, and the warmth this photo conveys. DSLR and 31mm again.


Now back to the 6x6! This is mom, from the same scene as before. I loved the colors from the last shot, but when I saw the colors on this Velvia 100F slide, I was blown away! Such character and saturation!


Another of mom's on Velvia 100F. Yay!


Of course, my dear girlfriend again! :lust
This one was with her digital subcompact P&S (Sony T3), in ISO 400. It was the only digital camera I had near me at that occasion, and I grabbed it because I missed wide angle quite a bit.


To finish the post in style, her again! :lust
The sun was so bright and warm that day, but our minds were really cool. I hope this picture gives just that feeling! :D
It was taken, again, with her Sony T3, now at full telephoto and ISO 100. And guess what, it turned out really good at an 8x10" print, above my expectations!

So that's it folks!
Hope you liked my little (or not-so-little) set, and hope I didn't bore you too much!

Thanks for viewing!
All best,

-- thiago


  • ShepsMomShepsMom Registered Users Posts: 4,319 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2007
    Nothing is boring about your shots, Thiago :D Well, what can i say, they're all different and have different effects and of course, will generate different opinions. I think i like your Granny shot the best of the set. Composition wise they all good thumb.gif Your girlfriend has a beautiful smile, you should do some more pro-portraits with her wings.gif

    Thanks for sharing!!
    Nikon D700 x2/D300
    Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
  • photogmommaphotogmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,644 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2007
    What a fun, great, eclectic set of photos! They all have such good points to them....

    My favorites: Your granny, your mom in velvia, Samara in B&W, I love the colors in the tree shot....

    Thank you so much for sharing! Wonderful set!
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited September 2, 2007
    definitely eclectic, as andi put it-

    enjoyed looking at them-

    particularly liked the velvia photos-
  • Thiago SigristThiago Sigrist Registered Users Posts: 336 Major grins
    edited September 6, 2007
    ShepsMom wrote:
    Nothing is boring about your shots, Thiago :D Well, what can i say, they're all different and have different effects and of course, will generate different opinions. I think i like your Granny shot the best of the set. Composition wise they all good thumb.gif Your girlfriend has a beautiful smile, you should do some more pro-portraits with her wings.gif

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Thanks a lot Marina!
    I'm really glad you liked my photos that much!

    About my girlfriend, I agree, she has this kind of glow, it's hard to explain... iloveyou.gif

    And I took a lot more pictures of her, I have something close to 6 rolls of slide film here with nothing but pictures of her, I have to scan them somehow. I use a really crude method for now: I shoot them with my digital camera, so the results are not the best possible (cf. my mom's shots with Velvia film).

    But as soon as I get something to digital, I'll post it here! :D

    Thanks so much for your kind words!
    Take care!

    -- thiago
  • Thiago SigristThiago Sigrist Registered Users Posts: 336 Major grins
    edited September 6, 2007
    What a fun, great, eclectic set of photos! They all have such good points to them....

    My favorites: Your granny, your mom in velvia, Samara in B&W, I love the colors in the tree shot....

    Thank you so much for sharing! Wonderful set!

    Thanks a lot Andi!

    Such compliments mean a lot, coming from you! And especially since you mention so many favorites! wings.gif

    Thanks for your really kind words!
    Take care!

    -- thiago
  • Thiago SigristThiago Sigrist Registered Users Posts: 336 Major grins
    edited September 6, 2007
    gefillmore wrote:
    definitely eclectic, as andi put it-

    enjoyed looking at them-

    particularly liked the velvia photos-

    Hi George!

    It's really nice to know you enjoyed looking at my pics! And also, that you liked a couple of pics that are very special to me!

    Velvia slide film is amazing... the colors and sharpness always amaze me! I wish you could see the actual slides, they look incredible.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, and for the kind words!
    Take care!

    -- thiago
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