Lens rentals

How many of you rent lenses? I was looking to rent one for upcoming shooting, and contacted local businesses such as Ritz/Wolf camera, i couldn't find anyone else in town. They apparently don't rent any longer :scratch So my question is, have you tried out of state/town rental services? How do they work, prices, etc?
Thank you for any information!
Thank you for any information!
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Hmm, what are my choices there? I need a lens for 16th birthday, there will be a lot of teens, and it's inside of the large building. I'm assuming low light. I will visit location closer to the date. They want inside/outside shots, group shots probably. I'll be meeting mom on saturday to get more details. I need to figure out what lens to get..... Any suggestions? I'm thinking 17-55mm f/2.8 should do.
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
70-200 f/2.8?
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
They have good reviews on reseller ratings...
Anyway, Good luck!
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
I saw some hits coming in from here and decided to pop in and introduce myself. My name is Max and I am the co-founder of http://www.BorrowLenses.com
First of all, Andy, thanks for the shout-out.
Ben, we partcipate in the resellerratings.com as well and while we don't have the number of reviews Lens Rentals has, the gist is the same
ShepsMom, we have just recently started enhancing our Nikon selection, you can check it out at:
Finally, we are based out of the SF Bay Area, so if any of you guys are here, you can save yourself some shipping charges and pick up locally.
Let me know if you have questions.
Your professional online camera gear rental store
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Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
Check out this article. I would rent out the 85mm 1.4 for the indoor shots and use your 18-200 for the outdoor shots.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
Ian, your profile says Silicon Valley. Let me guess, you are in Mountain View or Sunnyvale?
Your professional online camera gear rental store
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But the place is pretty big.
That's OK. A little googling reveals San Mateo.
More of you guys competing is good for us.
The Bigma is a good choice and is a pretty popular lens of ours. LensRentals does have a wider selection - we are working on getting as big as them, but that will take some time
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Your professional online camera gear rental store
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haha! their rates are pretty dang good for being a brick-and-mortar. picking up a 100-400L on friday afternoon and bringing it back monday morning only would cost me ~$20-$40. i was renting it nearly every weekend.
Out of curiosity, how would you pick when you rent from rentglass and when from Pro Camera?
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I know that I am fortunate in that I have 4 places I know of off the top of my head to rent locally (Irvine Pro Photo, Samy's SA, Calumet SA, and Cal's Camera)--there are a lot of folks with nothing local & you guys have to be a godsend for them.
i'm not sure that i understand the question... you mean: what was the deciding factor on who i'd choose to rent from? if so...
long term rentals are much cheaper from rentglass... ~$30 per week. sometimes i'd keep the lens for 3 or 4 weeks...in that case, it was much cheaper for me to get it from rentglass.com. when i only needed it for the weekend or for a day, it was much more convenient for me to just grab it from procamera for the day or whatever.
rentglass.com tends to have a limited amount of stock as well... more often than not, the lens i need is unavailable, and i have to wait...sometimes i can't wait, so i pick it up local. all the staff at procamera are awesome too. i've returned lenses late before and they've not charged me. i've sent a considerable amount of business their way as well for 1) their great pricing and 2) their fantastic customer service.
i've looked at your site before... i've compared prices... your prices are pretty high (nearly 7 times higher for the 400 f2.8L IS for the same 1 week period for the 400 f/5.6L from rentglass).
you want $600 for a three week rental for the 400 f/2.8L IS lens... rentglass charges $93 for the 400 f/5.6L. for what i do, i don't need a 2.8...i shoot at f/10 99.9999% of the time anyways...and i turn the IS off 100% of the time cause all it does is annoy me and burn up batteries faster.
it's the reach i need, not the speed of the lens.
just some thoughts from a renter to consider.
EDIT// for clarity.
true, however he also doesn't offer a less expensive alternative (like the f/5.6L) to people who don't need a 2.8 IS, thus ruling out potential clientel, agreed?
granted, he's by no means required to offer alternatives, i'm just saying that for someone like me, and what i do, he won't end up with my business.
i specifically wrote the lens models in my post so there was no confusion... perhaps because i didn't write it specifically in both comparisions i've muddled things slightly?
i'll edit to make sure there's no more confuzzlation.
it's the reach of the lens i need for what i do...not the speed.
EDIT// fixed.
That totally makes sense - you live in one of the biggest metropolitan areas in the nation. You are right about people who live far away from any cities, they have written us many times thanking us for the service.
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