new website, new style, new logo, new business

Well, I've done a lot of renovating lately, which is why I haven't been adding to the forum much! I've designed a new logo, completely designed a new website, and redone my business plan and style. I've been doing photoshoots like crazy to define my style and work on my editing. and I'm FINALLY done!
of course, I will never be completely done, as it will change all the time, and updated on a weekly basis, but for now - the site is live and I'm loving it.
here is the link: NEW SITE
I am still keeping my smugmug site for use a back-up system and online links and stuff like that - it's too convenient to give it up!!! But for my professional site, I needed something to keep up with my local competition!
Well, let me know what you think, please!!!
- Ross
of course, I will never be completely done, as it will change all the time, and updated on a weekly basis, but for now - the site is live and I'm loving it.
here is the link: NEW SITE
I am still keeping my smugmug site for use a back-up system and online links and stuff like that - it's too convenient to give it up!!! But for my professional site, I needed something to keep up with my local competition!
Well, let me know what you think, please!!!
- Ross
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
Great work. I really dig the feel if the site!
If you hover over the music equalizer-beat thingy in the top left corner, it will give you all the controls of a normal juke box feature as well as tell you what the song is and who sang it.
Thanks for y'all's comments!
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
Do you have rights to the music you are using? Were they hard to get?
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I'm 18...and love what I do! But it's hard managing an economics degree and a photography business....but I love it.
thank you all for such nice comments! It's so nice to know that all the work that I put into it is being so well received! Thank you so much!
- Ross
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
Nice site. I couldn't find your location on your site. Maybe that should go on the contact page so folks know if you're local to them.
best of luck!
BTW, I noticed on "what to expect" the paragraph title is "the unxpected". I don't know if you intentionally mispelled it, or not but either way it stood out to me. If you did it for the effect, it was not quite obvious enough for me. It just looks like a typo....
Again, it's a really great site you've got. I wish my intar-net skillz were half that good!
ian, I'll send him your message : )
Thanks again, guys!
- Ross
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
You definitely accomplished the goal of a distinct brand, look and feel, and an emotional connection with viewers.
Kudos to you for a fantastic job, and may the work follow quickly!
Way to go!!!
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Ok, seriously though. I'm going to pry. How did you get licensing/permission for all of that music? Just curious because I'm just starting to get into the legality of adding music to client slideshows. I've found a few sites where you can buy royalty free music, but some of it's so cheesy.
Really, really love the new site.
Illuminate Photography ~ My personal smugmug site~ My blog
Congratulations - that's a fantastic vision of who you are! Love it!
Congratulations - that's a fantastic vision of who you are! Love it!
Easy quick navigation and the pics load up instantly.
Really nice work! Extra Kudos for doing it yourself.
After putting a slideshow on my smugmug site I decided a major upgrade I would pay someone to do.
I was hoping to find some pics of you and John Mayer!
Your site is so very well done! Congratulations on having a vision and seeing it's fantastic! All the best to you in school and in your photography business. You have got "it" goin' on!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Why do you have your email as gmail if you own your own domain?
That would be a instant turn off if I was a big timer looking for photogs.
The only other small thing I would add is more content to your slideshows. I was enjoying myself watching your flash then all the sudden the same shots as in the beginning.
Two questions:
Who is your site designer?
What are there rates?
I'm serious. I'd appreciate you sending their website my way just so I can take a peek.
I've been trying to get my email to be but I'm having a bit of difficulty with it, I can't really find out what's wrong...because I'm following the instructions to a T, I need to call the the IT guy.
btw, I'm going to send you a PM this evening about your other Q.
Thank you all so much for the comments! and just FYI I've been researching the music ordeal to see what I need to do about licensing rights and which songs need to be taken off, so those comments can cease
Thanks again! guys! If you have any questions about anything, I'll be more than happy to answer them!
- Ross
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
They are more than willing to help you when it comes to paying them for using their members' music.
BTW - I like the layout and feel of your site. The Flash loads quickly.
-Fleetwood Mac
Your site is spectacular. I'm blown away by your talent and (I know you get sick of this) your age!! Really, amazing!
Great job!
Thank you so much Ms. Teresa! I enjoyed your comment! thank you so much for checking out my site!
Thanks for the links JdRyan3! Right now, I'm trying to decide if the music is really worth it, because I know that a lot of people just stop it right away anyways...
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
Just came cross this thread while having a sleepless night here in the UK - its hard to say anything different from previous postings, but really, the design and above all your images are superb, loved the music too (suprisingly
Caroline - Follow me on G+
Thank you so much Saurora! I really hope I can get in contact with someone with John Mayer - that's one of my FAVORITE songs of ALL TIME! I really appreciate your kind words, thank you so much!
I'm still using the 30D
Thanks again!
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
You inspire me in many ways. I've been working so hard on my site and then I see yours and think I need to start from scratch. I'm sure your hard work will pay off. congrats.
I did find one typo though: under your price list, you have:
* Traveling fees apply for all shoots > 30 miles from area code 71270
I'm assuming you mean zip code, not area code...
CWC Photography: “Painting pictures with cameras.” • Nature & Animals • Around the World • New York City • Miscellaneous • Sunsets • Central Park
I was blown away with all of it and then I read on your bio that you are a student at Louisiana Tech University!
Very Cool! I graduated there in 1986 - yes, before you were born - with a Mechanical Engineering Degree and now after 20-plus years as a successful engineer / inventor.... I'm building a portrait business too!
Best of luck to you. Your work is awesome! Go BULLDOGS!