Cades Cove, always interesting fun
Here's one I didn't expect, a pair of huge red heads, attacking trees in tandom. I never quite got both of them still, and was not close enough for flash. (200-400VR 4.0 lens on D2X)
she was a real cutie, with personality. I loved how the sun brightened above her right eye in shot 2. I have several others to process and choose from, time was limited the evening of the shoot.
she was a real cutie, with personality. I loved how the sun brightened above her right eye in shot 2. I have several others to process and choose from, time was limited the evening of the shoot.
My website | NANPA Member
Thanks on the woodpeckers.
yeah, my monitor sucks at home, it seems what seems normal there, doesn't seem normal at work. Looks like I am going to have to try my other monitor for more critical editing. I'll give that a look and see if I can do that without giving up my crappy widescreen for normal viewing. Then again, maybe just give up on it.
I could crop some, but decided to just show them like they were taken.