Soft Proofing Question
I just want to make sure I'm on the right track... When I soft proof with the EZprints ICC, I usually have to drop down the midtones a tad since the ICC is making the shot a little brighter. Is the brighter appearance while soft proofing the EZprints ICC normal? In the past, using other printers, I don't remember having to make the shot darker, but usually lighter. I'm pretty sure I have the soft proofing set correctly and my monitor is callibrated. I know, different printers and paper, different icc and whatnot, but I just want to see if I'm not making a mistake somewhere.
Also, for some reason, when I upload a picture, it displaying darker in the smugmug display that it was in photoshop. Any ideas with that one? I'm converting to sRGB and all.
Also, for some reason, when I upload a picture, it displaying darker in the smugmug display that it was in photoshop. Any ideas with that one? I'm converting to sRGB and all.
just checking.
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yeah, I followed that and I have the right settings, but to me, it seems a little different to have to darken an image for printing rather than bring up the brightness. Let me run you through my workflow:
Using calibrated monitor and CS3, working Color settings to North American Prepress 2. Capture and work in aRGB.
1: open with ACR and adjust as nescessary
2: open adjusted raw in photoshop
3: make nescessary adjustments/enhancements to where what I see is what I want
4: save psd master copy
5: turn on the soft proof for exprints icc using the settings listed in the above link
6: make curves adjustment layer and adjust image to original likeness while viewing proof****** this is where I have to drop the midtones to match the non-proofed version*******
7: turn off view proof
8: flaten layers
9: unsharp mask
10: Convert profile from aRGB to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 using ACE engine, Perceptual, black point unchecked.
11: image mode to 8bit
12: Save as JPEG level 11 or 12 with imbedded sRGB profile.
13: upload to smugmug