Wanted to practice posting pictures, I started out just photographing my kids and over the years ended up on the sidelines! I loved it!
The "real" Friday Night Lights QB
This foot is Purdue bound
#5 is nicest of the bunch in my opinion, thanks for sharing. How'd you end up on the sidelines if you don't mind me asking?
LT Sony A700&VG; KM 7D&VG; KM 5D; Min 28-75/2.8; 50/1.7; Tammie 17-50/2.8; Tammie 90/2.8 Macro; Min 80-200/2.8; and Min 300/2.8, two flashes, and a couple of other accessories.
LT Sony A700&VG; KM 7D&VG; KM 5D; Min 28-75/2.8; 50/1.7; Tammie 17-50/2.8; Tammie 90/2.8 Macro; Min 80-200/2.8; and Min 300/2.8, two flashes, and a couple of other accessories.
Sony A700&VG; KM 7D&VG; KM 5D; Min 28-75/2.8; 50/1.7; Tammie 17-50/2.8; Tammie 90/2.8 Macro; Min 80-200/2.8; and Min 300/2.8, two flashes, and a couple of other accessories.
I had always shared my pictures with everyone, including the school, and I just asked if I could get a sideline pass. Right place right time I guess.
Sony A700&VG; KM 7D&VG; KM 5D; Min 28-75/2.8; 50/1.7; Tammie 17-50/2.8; Tammie 90/2.8 Macro; Min 80-200/2.8; and Min 300/2.8, two flashes, and a couple of other accessories.