First Hummers
My first try at shooting these little guys. It was in a shady area with my 100-400 lens, no flash. This one was sitting on the branch and allowed me to get within about 2 meters. What techniques are used to get the frozen in flight shots? I had to set the iso to 400 just to stay in the 1/100 range, any movement or slight breeze would blur everything.

You're gonna need good light to stop their wings.. I shot some of mine at 1/2000 & still have motion. I'm thinking 1/4000 will do it but i'll need to do it with my 200mm 2.8.
I don't think you will be able to freeze the wings of a hummingbird with shutteer speed alone. You will likely need to use flash with a very short flash duration. Here is a link to thread that will give you the information that you need...
I hope this helps.
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff
"Natura artis magistra"
Anyway, great captures and sitting on the branch like that they almost look like "normal" birds.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
I love the colors on the little guy you captured. All I keep getting lately is the females with less color. They are so agressive, the male only comes around for a very short period and then I don't see him for hours.
Nice shots!
A bunch of Canon Stuff.