IR Sunflower

After reading the link Jerry shared on 08-26-07 (highlighting David Twede's work), thought I'd have an extremely timid go at adding some color to an IR... Initially, had more green in the stem and leaves but felt it was too literal (not too mention cutsy/nauseating with the whole pink/green thing) and backed off... not sure of the end result would love feedback though!
Take care,
- Deanna
Take care,
- Deanna

Ahhhhh with a touch of Pink
I like it
I'm hoping to do a bit of IR during the Dgrin Shoot Out.
Thanks for sharing your SunFlower
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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Thanks Skippy, Awais, and Chris for your comments. Greatly appreciated!
- Skippy - the pink in the petals was retained IR info of the image; the stem, leaves and center were altered... surprisingly not using the same color scheme
Take care,
- Deanna
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