Trouble getting 'into' the next LPS

So am I the only one having trouble getting past LPS 11 and shooting for LPS 12? I had gotten so used to the routine of seeing my entry no higher than 11th place, sulking for a few days, and then starting to work on the next theme(s). Now that the results are delayed, I feel stuck on LPS 11 and unable to move on. I need....closure!
It seems I'm not the only one as the boards have been relatively quiet except for the brilliant Shay sightings. So anyone else feel stuck or is just me?
It seems I'm not the only one as the boards have been relatively quiet except for the brilliant Shay sightings. So anyone else feel stuck or is just me?
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I felt like a kid when hearing we had to wait a week. It's certainly not the end of the world, but I was totally kicking the dirt and saying, "Ah, man!" in my head.
I have some ideas for LPS #12 but am not sure I'll be able to get them done during the contest time period. I'll try though!
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New Mexico's long history of Native Americans, Spaniards, and now us provides an opportunity for variegated digital expressions of Sin or Virtue.
Rather than let past LPS efforts hold me down, a Virtue idea percolated the first of the week, took digital form Thursday, then coursed its way through PS yesterday. Yes, I had to try to find self-expression as Sin or Virtue. Then I had to play with a cloudy, late afternoon scenario after hunting to find an image I'd never shot, only heard about.
Last year, New Mexico celebrated its 300th year; there's a church on Old Town Plaza, San Felipe de Neri, that's now 301 years old. At the back of this church, there's an old Cottonwood tree (don't know its age) containing a Spanish carving. As near as I can presently tell, the carving is late last century.
And, it has a definite connotation of Virtue...
It's the Virgen de Guadalupe.
Then, of course, there's San Felipe itself!
Old Town Plaza is an international tourist mecca. Visitor's charm is enhanced as they explore this ancient adobe church and its well-kept grounds. With 300 years of history, there's little doubt Virtue has been preached from its pulpit over the ensuing ages. Perhaps many have stood beneath its towering crosses and prayed for their own salvation...
When my artists' eye has found the right compositional balance, I'll try to show you guys some of these images!
[FONT="]As You Think, So Shall You BE... Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
Award-Winning Photography, Workshop Instructor, Storyteller, Writer
[/FONT][FONT="]Blog: [/FONT][FONT="]Pathways of Light[/FONT]
[FONT="] Workshops: Creating Fine Art Magic[/FONT][FONT="]
Book: Paths of Light [/FONT]
[FONT="]Workshops: 2011 Lightroom 3 Workshops
[/FONT][FONT="]Galleries, Bisti Art
Can't wait!
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