The Alta Powder Turn
Alta is known for it's wonderful light "champagne" powder. And for a style of powder skiing developed over over 50 years by Alf Engen and other famous skiers. This series shows the a pretty nice Alta Powder turn.

The skier has completed a left hand turn and is initiating a linked turn to the right by reaching out with his downhill (right) pole. Notice the upper body is facing downhill and the downhill reach with the downhill pole will square the upper body to the fall line.

The pole plant is complete and now the skier drives his knees downhill, flattening his edges and allowing them to glide naturally into the fall line. Meanwhile, he is bringing his left hand and pole forward to be ready to initiate the next turn.

The skier is fully in the fall line, gliding naturally downhill. This moment feels a little like zero G.

The skier completes the turn by transfering his weight slightly to his left ski and rocking his weight slightly from toe to heel, allowing the shape of the ski to carve the bottom part of the turn. He is now reaching out his left and and pole to initiate the next turn.

The skier has completed a left hand turn and is initiating a linked turn to the right by reaching out with his downhill (right) pole. Notice the upper body is facing downhill and the downhill reach with the downhill pole will square the upper body to the fall line.

The pole plant is complete and now the skier drives his knees downhill, flattening his edges and allowing them to glide naturally into the fall line. Meanwhile, he is bringing his left hand and pole forward to be ready to initiate the next turn.

The skier is fully in the fall line, gliding naturally downhill. This moment feels a little like zero G.

The skier completes the turn by transfering his weight slightly to his left ski and rocking his weight slightly from toe to heel, allowing the shape of the ski to carve the bottom part of the turn. He is now reaching out his left and and pole to initiate the next turn.
If not now, when?
awesome shots, though
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
The first series reminds me of surf pics. With that roostertail of snow behind him and that wall of white all around. I also like how you got really good definition with the snow. You can see all the little bumps and clods in the foreground. Very nice
Hey DF, you should try skiing. It's a fantastic sport for those under my You might get sore in places you didn't know you had muscles, but I doubt if you'll seriously injure yourself
Nice ones Rutt
- Very addictive
- Very fun
- Very expensive
- Very dangerous
Sound like something else?