can't decide

I like both of these, but can't decide, I think I'm having too much chaos in my life right now to think straight..LOL
Any impact from these??
"Fallen Star"

"Loss of Restraint" or "Loss of Pride"

(updated with beercan OK So it is a Fancy Smancy Bud, but it had to match..LOL) This is the ONE time I could not find a Bud Can...Sheesh!!
"No Pain, No Shame"

"On A Bender".... (In B/W as per Gary's Request)
Any impact from these??
"Fallen Star"

"Loss of Restraint" or "Loss of Pride"

(updated with beercan OK So it is a Fancy Smancy Bud, but it had to match..LOL) This is the ONE time I could not find a Bud Can...Sheesh!!
"No Pain, No Shame"

"On A Bender".... (In B/W as per Gary's Request)

You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
Personally speaking, and without going OT or starting a debate, sin has to do with intent, and the greater the intent the greater the sin. This doesn't scream intent to me. Hope this helps.
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"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Thanks Scott, I appreciate your response and respect your opinion, but although he may appear to just a "homeless person or a drunk" in your eyes, I ask you, have you ever looked at a "homeless person or a drunk" and wondered "How The Hell they Got There? have to think about what got him to this predicament...the Sin of Over Indulgence of Liquor...he did not have the Virture of Temperance "Self Restraint" or perhaps he indulged in teh sin of wrath, and he was SO angry about his life, that he over indulged to forget...
Here is a list of the 7 sins vs 7 virtures.
Sin - Virtue
Pride (vanity) - Humility (modesty)
Envy (jealousy) - Kindness (admiration)
Wrath (anger) - Forgiveness (composure)
Sloth (laziness/idleness) - Diligence (zeal/integrity/Labor)
Greed (avarice) - Charity (giving)
Gluttony (over-indulgence) - Temperance (self-restraint)
Lust (excessive sexual appetites) - Chastity (purity)
I think the first shot is the strongest with the limbs being cut off giving me a feeling of "something's not right." I just wish the can behind him were more obvious. As it is, there's almost a sense that he's just a very exhausted traveler who fell asleep drinking a soda...
I definitely agree that the first one is more powerful. My gut reaction was he had been hurt by *someone* but as I scanned the picture and saw the beer can, I got that a-ha moment and knew immediately what you were going for.
I prefer the "Fallen Star" title - much more interesting and "I have to see" than the perhaps more descriptive alternatives.
I think that what might make this subject better display the concept of sin would be to put such a scene in the context of the larger world. For instance, if this is indeed a real scene, not a pose, the perhaps you could go back there, then move back from it and photograph some "well" people walking by and not paying attention to this poor man. THAT would be the sin, the nonchalance... I had this idea for myself, but I think I just don't have the guts to go do it... / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes.. is soooo wierd that you should express the people walking by, cuz it was a SIN...NOT one PERSON stopped to see if this man was alive or dead...I was appalled...He may be Homeless, A Drunk, or perhaps just "Down on His Luck" and went way over board on a bender (That is what I thought cuz of the clothing..His clothes match and his shoes)...and it was so hot today...and this guy was sleeping on HOT CEMENT...there was NO concern, no curiousness, no sympathy, NOTHING I tell you, it kind of made me realize more still the world that we are living in these days....Now That is A SIN!!
This is the reason I took the photo, cuz I was the ONLY ONE that stopped to see if this guy was breathing.
I don't know if this guy is still there and it was kind of a fluke, BUT if he is there, I will have no problem capturing the SIN of Not Caring!!
Thanks Everyone...I really do appreciate the input!!
When the images finally came up (real slow connection here at work) the first thing I thought of was this image posted the other day in the people forum
It's an image that can be found on almost any street corner in any major city acros this country, sad but true.
I think I know what you were thinking and what you are attempting to show but from these I don't think you accomplished that. Perhaps you could ask HIM what happened, and capture something from that moment. Or here is an idea for you. Get a copy of the "big book" and somehow incorporate that (without disrespect of course) into your entry.
This challenge is tough to say the least but I'm sure you will be able to pul it off.
Thanks Gary...Posted it in b/w for your viewing.
Leaforte....Way Cool...YOU Caught what I saw...That hand of his did it...Protecting his vice, I was amazed when I took this photo...I was like...Sheesh, he is passed out cold, and his hand is still protecting that beer....
I was leaning towards #2, as I liked the hand, the curve of him on the ground, the positioning of his other hand, the wall and sidewalk, there was something about that photo that grabbed me...but the masses are saying #1 is the Strong One...I thought that 2 showed a strong story line and the viewers could see the story..
In my mind it is still a sin to see someone like this, especially with all that the USA has to offer....Just makes you wonder what each person's breaking point is ??
Ahhh who knows with my mind....I might try for something else...
BUT Thanks Everyone So Far for all your imput...I am still undecided, I have a few more ideas, but my model is MIA...Grrrr!!
What a shame! I've seen the same kind thing. We were just vacationing in Toronto and the part of the city we stayed in seemed to have a lot of homeless people. It was amazing to see everyone just walk by, like they were invisible or something.
As far as you photos go, I also like the photos and the concept for LPS 12. Not much more I can add than what's already been said but agree that the alcohol needs to be more obvious if going for that concept. Backing off and adding the people ignoring him would be powerful as well, although it changes the message from the one I think you were originally going for.
I'm sure it'll be great when your done. Can't wait to see it.
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Not crazy about any of your titles though. There's a better title in your head somewhere. Keep rummaging. Idea: "Bud".
Just kidding. His points are very well taken. But let me defend my favorite: the bottle is a telling detail, but it's still there. What I think makes it the best shot overall is that it is so close up. It's TOO intimate. It's invasive. That makes it original and disorienting, even uncomfortable to look at. And that says something fresh and challenging. By the same token, what I don't like about the high color version is that the brilliant colors play against this effect rather than enforce it.
I really like the title "Bud"..
As you can see this is what happens to me, when I take a photo, that I haven't thought about a title first..
I am going to try some things with the two of these photos and see what I come up with inputting all your ideas and critique...
Will update later...I'm gonna need lots of "luck" doing this...
Thank You VERY much everyone for such wonderful input, I also saw the boards so slow and read some of the photographers were having a "block" so I posted these photos to help get the flow going..Sin and Virtue is such a diverse, but at the same time, a very complex theme..Hope I helped
Alright Ramblin I'm off to Play and PP