calibration print should equal montor

I bought the calibration print from smugmug (the one with many photos on it) should my monitor look like the print I use a huey to calibrate my monitor.I have a crt apple display so I was wonder it I need to look at getting another that matches the calibrated smug print..hope t o hear..thanks
(2) Canon 20d, (1) canon 30d, 70-200is 2.8, tamron 17-50,canon 50mm 1.4
DO NOT adjust the display to match the print! That's about the most insane and ineffective color management solution you can use and one that will simply fail using a modern copy of Photoshop.
Calibrate the display using the huey. At that point, you need an output profile to use to soft proof the document in Photoshop and the resulting print should match the display closely when viewed under proper illumination and intensity (a good light box as an example).
Author "Color Management for Photographers"