
Rain Cancels Day

ZanottiZanotti Registered Users Posts: 1,411 Major grins
edited September 10, 2007 in Landscapes
Ever get all your stuff together, drive across town to your favorite haunt, and look at the sky and see this coming.....


I wanted to get out the tripod and take a storm pano, but the lightening right beside me made me decide otherwise. Tampa is the lightening capital of the world.....

Pack it all back up, head home - one shot trip!

It is the purpose of life that each of us strives to become actually what he is potentially. We should be obsessed with stretching towards that goal through the world we inhabit.


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    kyeeziekyeezie Registered Users Posts: 290 Major grins
    edited September 10, 2007
    Being in Tampa, I know that site very well! I like it!
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    schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited September 10, 2007
    Smart choice on your part but I still love the light in that shot. The clam right before a storm is lovely (IMO). Glad you were able to capture that at least. :D
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    InvectiveInvective Registered Users Posts: 113 Major grins
    edited September 10, 2007
    I'm trying to figure out what is below the trees... (the brown spots) animals? brush? ne_nau.gif

    I love the colors though, the sky is very dramatic!
    "The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."
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