Tyke on Bike

This kid couldn't have been more than three years old. His bike was battery powered, and really moved fast. I would guess there are all kinds of laws against this in the US, but he sure was one happy kid.

Thanks for looking.

Thanks for looking.
Some toys are not toys, they are capable of causing serious injury.
These little bikes are a classic example.
I like the Shot, the child does not look as young as you say, probably because of how he is dressed and the scale of the Bike.
Looks like he really knows what he's doing
Hopefully his parents closely supervise his riding.
Great Shot Richard
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Nice shot!
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Good point, Joel. I'm guessing that the parents aren't the cautious sort.
My Gallery
Thanks, Susan. The first time I saw that little kid zipping around the plaza I thought the parents had to be insane. Gloves or no gloves, that's got to be dangerous. But hey, I just take the pics.
Glad you liked it, Awais.
We don't see this on the paved streets locally but it is out there on the dirt tracks and mountain trails. Amazes me everytime I see the little ones allowed to put themselves at risk on fast machines. Still don't know what to think about it. On the one hand I am good with it. On the other where are his gloves?