Which LowePro Slingshot for me?

Well I have a 75 AW Top Loader which will hold my 20D with Grip and my Sigy 80-400mm (Hood Reversed)
Problem with the 75 AW is it don't hold extras like I'd like it to.
Mainly a 4 batts Cf card case and that's about it.
Hafta carry my 24-70 in it's case on the outside which is a PITA. :huh
20D With Grip and QR Plate is about 6 1/2in Tall.
20D with 80-400 (Hood reversed) is about 11in Long.
Looking at a 200 AW or a 300 AW Slingshot for a alternate bag.
Cuz of stowage.
Thinking a 300 AW (Maybe even trade my LN 75 AW for a one)
Seeing that B&H has em both for about the same price new.
Any input? :dunno
Problem with the 75 AW is it don't hold extras like I'd like it to.
Mainly a 4 batts Cf card case and that's about it.
Hafta carry my 24-70 in it's case on the outside which is a PITA. :huh
20D With Grip and QR Plate is about 6 1/2in Tall.
20D with 80-400 (Hood reversed) is about 11in Long.
Looking at a 200 AW or a 300 AW Slingshot for a alternate bag.
Cuz of stowage.
Thinking a 300 AW (Maybe even trade my LN 75 AW for a one)
Seeing that B&H has em both for about the same price new.
Any input? :dunno
Canon 60D | Nikon Cooloix P7700
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
Main Compartment:
XTi w/ Grip w/ 70-300
Canon 24-105
Canon 18-55 kit
Canon 50.1.8
Canon 420EX flash
Packs with up to 16AA batteries
52mm and 58mm collapsible lens hoods
XTi AA adapter
Extra Compartment:
Extra lens caps and body caps
Assorted cords and chargers (for XTi batteries and AA batteries)
Nintendo DS
Dell Axim X5
Small bag with contact solution and extra contacts (I'm paranoid about my eyes!!)
Card reader
Extra batteries
I can easily make room in this pack for 2 more largish lenses (70-200L and slightly larger). One other thing is that the 200 does not have the hip belt, only the 300 does. I've discovered that on long trips, especially hiking, the belt really helps to stabilize the weight. I also have a water bottle holder from lowepro on the hip belt.
Anyway, hope this helps! Let us know what you think of whichever one you get!
Edit: I'm actually going to probably be getting the 75AW for times when I just want my camera with the lens that is on it. More of just a protective case for the camera than something to carry lots of stuff in. My problem has been finding a small bag like that that will take the camera with the grip. The 75AW holds your 20D with grip nicely?
Like a glove!
I'm real "tossed" dunno if I should keep mine ot trade for a 300 AW.
Really like the 75 AW just can't carry what I'd like to short of lugging my Field and Street BP around!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
They have practically every bag and camera combination known with photos and reviews. I cant imaging a combination that they dont have a photo for.......
Its very helpful when deciding between different bags, but beware it will lead to you wanting more......
Niiiiice THANX!!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
So my two points of caution with this bag:
1. It's not a top loader so if you forget to zipper it properly and pick it up, you will end up with a lens in two pieces.
2. The strap that you throw over your neck has a clamp that IMO is in the wrong place. When I Slingshot the bag around to grab my camera, I invariably grab this strap and clip. When you hit the clip, it can open and your bag will start to fall! This may be really bad if you are say standing on a bridge, or at the subway tracks about to put your camera away. If the clip was on the top of the bag, this would not be an issue. This is what the process looks like...
I really don't care for bags like the slingshots that put all the weight on one pressure point. Convenient to open and access, sure. But a little dangerous too as one poster indicated.
If you are going to carry any gear at all for any distance, weight distribution is much better. full backpack design or shoulder waist belt design is much better to me... I did try a slingshot 200 for a while, just decided not for me and I found that multiple shoulder bags/straps was horrible, like putting your neck in a vice of straps.
If you overload the bag (a common problem & hard to resist), it will drag on your shoulder a bit, and will start to deform. Keep the load lighter & it works well. Another thing I've noticed is a tendency to make the strap too long--shorten it up & the bag sits better and is more comfortable. Also remember to use the stabilizer strap--that helps a lot. These are not intended as a kitchen sink type of bag, but a quick-access kit.
For the OP's gear, I think the SS300 will fit better. The SS200 will fit a 20D with grip & L-plate with a 24-70 mounted. Something the size of a 70-200 will fit, but not mounted--that's where the 300 comes in.
I've slung the bag and 2 times had the latch come loose. I happened to catch the strap as in picture 3 (and only the strap) w/ the bag and the camera stuff inside an inch from the ground. Well padded or not, it's still something to be careful of. 3 strikes and it's out.
I bought the bag because I outgrew my Crumpler $4M Home and needed something that would allow me easy access to the camera while holding onto two dog leashes.
I think most of us who really use these bags change the dividers so that the wells are all pointing to the side opening. That's the way it should be.
I purchased a 300 AW today and will see how it works out for me.
If I'm out shooting wildlife and have the 80-400mm mounted (Hood Backwards) I'm hoping it'll be about the size of the mounted 70-200 L.
Hoping it'll be more comfortable than my LowePro Rover has been also.
I'll let ya know once I get it.
Oh yeah as for the buckle bit.....IF I have any problem there.....black zip tie should solve that!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
Hmm, let's see, 80-400 is 7.6" long & 1750g, Canon's 70-200 ranges from 6.8" & 705g for the f4 to 7.8" & 1470g for the f2.8 IS. Ought to fit just fine. As an aside, interestingly the f4 IS & non-IS are the same length, but the f2.8 gains 0.2" for the IS?
All in all it's a great bag and very comfortable to wear, even with all of the weight.
Canon 70-200mm F4L
Sigma 30mm 1.4
Crumpler 7 Million Dollar Home
Well there is no doubt I like the Slingshot 300 AW more than the BP!!
It's layout for me is much handier and it's much more comfortable to carry.
Access to my camera is much easier also organizing my stuff is a snap.
What I carry....
20D with Grip
Sigma EX DG 24-70mm
Sigma EX DG 105mm
Gepe 4 CF Card holder
82mm Circ Pol for the 24-70.
6 Batts with travel charger
Rocket Blower/lens Pen
Wired remote
Petersens Bird Guide....compass and some other small stuff.
My Sigma EX DG APO OS 80-400 I prefer to carry in it's own case.
Quite heavy to have in bag if not on camera.
BTW: There is room for it on my camera it fits great with hood reversed!!
My only beef is I wish they offered various colors.
Black bag makes me nervous cuz black attracts heat....camo woulda been a nice option.
Lowepro definitely has a hit with the Slingshot series!!
Wanna thank everyone for their input!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
You can check cambags.com for several examples. Also, here's a few shots of how I just redid mine. I haven't tested it like this yet, but it seems like it will work better.
Thank you so much for the examples and additional links. My 7- year old son will show me how it's done.
Folks like you make Dgrin such a great community.