Karate Kid
This image leaves me wishing A) I was a better photographer and
I wish I had a faster lens.
My only lens is the Canon 17-85 f4-f5.6. In this lowlight condition (no flash) I had my ISO set to 1600. I was so much hoping to get some better quality shots. This was probably the best of the bunch. Any hints on getting better shots in this kind of condition or improving the image in PS are welcome.


My only lens is the Canon 17-85 f4-f5.6. In this lowlight condition (no flash) I had my ISO set to 1600. I was so much hoping to get some better quality shots. This was probably the best of the bunch. Any hints on getting better shots in this kind of condition or improving the image in PS are welcome.

This dojo looks to have white walls and possibly a white ceiling. If so, you should aim your external hot-shoe flash (if you don't have one, GET one) almost straight up towards the ceiling and bounce the flash. The ceiling will spread the light out nice and even and allow you faster shutter speeds to capture the action.
I actually just got one this week and am still learning how/when to use it. I wasn't sure if using a flash in this situation would be disruptive. Do people find a flash pointed at the cieling to be acceptable? Thanks a lot for your help!
Ask the Sensei ...... ultimately it would be his decision as it is his school.