Need help roating 153 shots CCW using PS 7.0
I usually export from the Canon DPP software to a file for the event but it takes a long time. The shots I did vertically show up correctly in the DPP software, but since I transferred from the card reader to the file, the vertical shots are one their side and need to be rotated CCW. I KNOW HOW TO ROTATE a shot in PS, but is there a way I can rotate 153 shots at the same time instead of one by one? I have PS 7.0.
Sort of. You need to record an action that consists of opening a file, rotating it, saving it, then closing it. Then put all the files that need rotating in a folder. Then use File->Automation->Batch. Select your new action, select the folder as both source and destination, check override file options, and click OK. It will still take a while, but you won't have to babysit the process.
If so, there are more than a few apps that offer lossless rotation, rather than decompressing/rotating/recompressing again they simply rotate the pixels without decompressing the image first.
Google "lossless rotation of jpg", one free app that does this in MS Windows is Irfanview.
I am not sure if these apps are faster or not for this task.
Stephen Marsh.