Gilpatrick Mountain and Ridge - Kenai Mountains, Alaska
Well this last weekend was an incredible one! Did atleast 3 peaks. On Friday John and I went up Jewel Mountain and then on Saturday my friend Jack and I ran up Flattop. The local easy mountain. Easy as it may be it captivated me during the run. We managed to summit during the peak of the colors in the sky and we were at 3000ft over Anchorage and the Turnagain Arm. My view of Alaska has changed significantly just over the last week or so. I thought of so many things that it filled my mind and time after time I had to look out over the arm and wonder how the world could be any better. I said it aloud to my friend Jack, "Theres no walls, no desks, no cubicles, nothing. This is the world and it is open to us. There's nothing standing in our way. This is how it should be." It was weird when I would think about it. This is the easiest mountain in the range. The most hiked peak in the Chugach and perhaps in Alaska altogether but its proximity and ease didn't matter. What mattered was that it was there to lift me. We ran down in the Alpenglow and the mountains glowed orange. I thought of home, I thought of being chubby again and wanting to leave Alaska at all costs, thought of the computer, my ex-girlfriend. I even thought of schmooo and her post saying how she has not yet had the chance to experience living in a place she is truely excited to be at. I spent the rest of the night in euphoria, I was high and it was great.
So! How do you top such an experience? The next day I met up with my friend Dane and his friend Jim as well as Shawn Lyons. We had talked about doing the peak Calliope that day but the new fallen snow made us feel like it was bit more painful then we had wanted for the day. So we chose Mount Alpenglow,15 hours of bushwacking, steep hiking, and an unknown idea of where the trail is. Luckily for those of us having school the next day we settled on Gilpatrick Mountain. I was excited for this peak because I had never hiked in the area before. I had done two little hikes for snowboarding during the winter but both were in near whiteout conditions so I didn't even have an idea of what it looked like!
First thing we did was drop a car off at Summit Creek Trailhead and drove the other car to Devils Lake Trailhead where we would begin our hike.

We hiked quickly though 5 miles up the valley and shortly after Hunters Creek we found a nice meadow leading up a good looking valley. We headed right up. It ended up being a little steeper and longer then it initally looked and the head cold which had been creeping up on me the last few days was beginning to take its toll!

We got to the pass and finally got a good look at our peak for the day. We decided after a lunch and some map looking to go down the valley and across to the ridge on the left leading up to the main highpoint at the right of the picture. Dane had made a concoction of Pureed Peanut butter, maple syrup, cinnamon, and soymilk. Wow did that look good!

Down we went into the valley and across. The wind was chilly but the sun was wonderful. Still, its easy to feel that winter is coming!

We gained the ridge and took some nice easy walking up towards the summit. There seemed to be a lake in every valley and around every corner. The area was beautiful with lots of red and green. It was great to explore an area I had never been to. Shawn hiking over the ridge...

Near the summit there were a few fun areas to negotiate if one was so inclined. I have a splint on my hand which makes climbing hard but that dosent mean it sounds any less fun! Dane appeared to be having a blast

We gained the peak and the map said that the peak further down the ridge was 300' higher and there just is no possible way. We all agreed in fact that it appeared shorter. We climbed along the ridge with great views all around.

Getting to the Summit Creek Trail was intresting, we followed the ridge along peaks getting towards the trail by process of elimination. Basically we just ran out of peaks to climb and the only way left was down!

We finally made it back out to the Summit Creek Trail and hiked the few remaining miles back to the car. We got to the car at dark and with plenty of stars in the sky. A beautiful day and a great hike!
16.2 Miles
11 Hours
I'll try and find out the Elevation gain and loss later. Jim had a GPS!
So! How do you top such an experience? The next day I met up with my friend Dane and his friend Jim as well as Shawn Lyons. We had talked about doing the peak Calliope that day but the new fallen snow made us feel like it was bit more painful then we had wanted for the day. So we chose Mount Alpenglow,15 hours of bushwacking, steep hiking, and an unknown idea of where the trail is. Luckily for those of us having school the next day we settled on Gilpatrick Mountain. I was excited for this peak because I had never hiked in the area before. I had done two little hikes for snowboarding during the winter but both were in near whiteout conditions so I didn't even have an idea of what it looked like!
First thing we did was drop a car off at Summit Creek Trailhead and drove the other car to Devils Lake Trailhead where we would begin our hike.

We hiked quickly though 5 miles up the valley and shortly after Hunters Creek we found a nice meadow leading up a good looking valley. We headed right up. It ended up being a little steeper and longer then it initally looked and the head cold which had been creeping up on me the last few days was beginning to take its toll!

We got to the pass and finally got a good look at our peak for the day. We decided after a lunch and some map looking to go down the valley and across to the ridge on the left leading up to the main highpoint at the right of the picture. Dane had made a concoction of Pureed Peanut butter, maple syrup, cinnamon, and soymilk. Wow did that look good!

Down we went into the valley and across. The wind was chilly but the sun was wonderful. Still, its easy to feel that winter is coming!

We gained the ridge and took some nice easy walking up towards the summit. There seemed to be a lake in every valley and around every corner. The area was beautiful with lots of red and green. It was great to explore an area I had never been to. Shawn hiking over the ridge...

Near the summit there were a few fun areas to negotiate if one was so inclined. I have a splint on my hand which makes climbing hard but that dosent mean it sounds any less fun! Dane appeared to be having a blast

We gained the peak and the map said that the peak further down the ridge was 300' higher and there just is no possible way. We all agreed in fact that it appeared shorter. We climbed along the ridge with great views all around.

Getting to the Summit Creek Trail was intresting, we followed the ridge along peaks getting towards the trail by process of elimination. Basically we just ran out of peaks to climb and the only way left was down!

We finally made it back out to the Summit Creek Trail and hiked the few remaining miles back to the car. We got to the car at dark and with plenty of stars in the sky. A beautiful day and a great hike!
16.2 Miles
11 Hours
I'll try and find out the Elevation gain and loss later. Jim had a GPS!
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I'm flattered that you remembered my words! One of the best things about photography and travel is finding that zen space where I think of just anything and everything, even things I am sure people don't even remember telling me themselves. It is truly a meditative, enlightening experience and it is a very personal thing to share. I think it is wonderful that you have places close to home where you can find them -- and good people to come with you along the way.
I'll never get tired of seeing your vistas on here, even though I'm guessing (just a hunch) that the views are better in real life than in photos.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
It's true.
Great shots for sure Kelsey, too bad we didn't manage to get out Monday as well.:D
You both bring so much beauty and interest to the dGrin pages. I enjoy your traveloques as much as Rick Steves: Europe on PBS.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
John - I think its best I didn't get out monday! I stayed in bed most of the day feeling suuuppppeerrrr sick. That sunday hike threw my sickness into full mode! I can breath again today after 13 hours of sleeping. hehe
Angelo - I am really honored that you and everyone else enjoy our travelouges so much and that we can bring this aspect on a regular basis to the dgrin pages.
I Live at
Yeah, thanks Angelo! I just enjoy the community and friendly attitude here. This site helps me out a ton! Glad I'm giving something back, however unworthy I feel.
Thank you both of you for the offer! I'm keeping that one in mind because Alaska has long been a place I have wanted to explore.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Thanks for the praise! I am so glad that my photos and writing are so enjoyable to others!
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