Multiple words in same keyword
This may to be a specificallt SmugMug related question, but still...
How do you people keyword names of people? I'm mainly thinking of several people that have the same first name or where the surname is important for you to remember who that person is.
Are you using firstnamelastname without any space? Or "Firstname Lastname" which adds the difficulty of remembering when to use the quotes or not?
I'm using Lightroom and keywording all photos there, to then export and upload to SmugMug.
How do you people keyword names of people? I'm mainly thinking of several people that have the same first name or where the surname is important for you to remember who that person is.
Are you using firstnamelastname without any space? Or "Firstname Lastname" which adds the difficulty of remembering when to use the quotes or not?
I'm using Lightroom and keywording all photos there, to then export and upload to SmugMug.
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Thanks! Were some great links there too.