Non-English characters in keywords not working
I asked about this quite some time ago and it seems like it's still not working. As Swedish is my first language I use quite a lot of non-English characters in keywords. But it seems like Smugmug doesn't accept those, or at least it removes them when displaying the keywords.
This is so both when uploading photos and when adding keywords in Smugmug.
Is there any update to be expected to have this working for all us who use another language than English?
I asked about this quite some time ago and it seems like it's still not working. As Swedish is my first language I use quite a lot of non-English characters in keywords. But it seems like Smugmug doesn't accept those, or at least it removes them when displaying the keywords.
This is so both when uploading photos and when adding keywords in Smugmug.
Is there any update to be expected to have this working for all us who use another language than English?
Are you going to make your site really international and correct this in the near future?
Our engineers will be looking into making this possible in the future, but I can't tell you if or when you'll be able to use non-english characters in keywords or categories. We have a very long list of things we would like to integrate on SmugMug, but our team can just concentrate on a few projects at a time.
Gallery names, gallery desctiptions and captions should place no problem in the usage of non-english characters.
All the best,
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Isn't this easily accomplished with regex? I work a bit with a CMS called CMS Made Simple and there URLs are created automatically from the page title. If the page title includes non-English characters they are converted to the corresponding English character (åä > a, ö > o etc.).
But I sure do respect that there are many items on the todo list that are also important! This, however, is the only thing keeping me (and most likely other international users as well) from using Smugmug more extensively.