A simple digital download question

How do you purchase digital downloads from a SM site?
I searched the shopping cart, dgrin and Wiki KB and have sound nothing. Is this a Pro account thing?
Thanks for the easy answer.
I searched the shopping cart, dgrin and Wiki KB and have sound nothing. Is this a Pro account thing?
Thanks for the easy answer.
This is indeed a Pro-only thing, I'm sorry.
See: http://www.smugmug.com/help/sell-digital-downloads
Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions!
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
I figured as much.
Not to worried about it since I'm getting a pro account soon. I'm drafting up the template and color schemes for my SM site in illustrator then I'm going to pester you guys to death in attempts to help me make this vision become reality.
I've read the instructional created by you and TO. While it's great work! It's just not my cup of tea.
Talk to you geniuses soon....
I'm not sure how getting a pro account helps you with your original question...
... to purchase a digital download from a Smugmug site..., the site you are visiting would have to be run by someone with a Pro account, and they would have to be offering their pics for sale as a digital download...