First Snow
You know, I'm not really sure where to put this. It has landscapes, it has people, it has nature, and it was an adventure... so I'm going with right here, and if I'm wrong, do feel free to point me elsewhere! 
Evenings often get boring as I sit at my computer waiting for a fire call, or building a website. Every now and then I hatch a crazy scheme and try to get people to go along with it, just for some excitement. Usually I wind up right where I started, with rejections from all of my friends, but sometimes something else happens.
Yesterday was a horribly dismal day, filled with nothing but rain and rain and the evening's Search and Rescue training, so I hatched a crazy scheme. Starting well after dark and in a drenching downpour, I would lead my courageous comrades in a quick charge deep into the mountains to a cozy cabin where we'd spend the rest of the night, hoping to wake up to a world of white and frolic in the fresh snow for a while. I expected no takers, as usual, but this day I managed to fool a couple friends into believing that this could be done, and even that it might be fun!
The misery started off just fine, we made the hike in less than two hours and arrived completely drenched at the cabin, where we donned our dry clothes, had some hot soup, and dozed off as conversation died down. In the morning the success of my scheme was realized in the arrival of the first snow of the season at this altitude. I snuck out early to capture what I'd come for.
The Lane Hut, taking beatings and blessings from innumerable travelers over decades of existence.

I tried taking a couple "portraits" of the old cabin. Still not sure how I did.

Put my new camera to the test. Water water everywhere, indeed!

"Is it safe to come out?"

The headwaters of Archangel Creek, twsiting their way through Lane Valley.

Kate and Tommy. I told Kate that for today at least, she's the awesomest girl in the world, just for showing up and enduring the torture some of us think is fun.
She dragged Tommy into this, but he wasn't too disappointed.

Richard, enjoying life to its fullest. This isn't the first time we've been here for the first snow.

Kate again, all smiles. Glad I've got friends like her!

Orange plants trace an ancient path the creek USED to follow. Now it's slightly out of sight running along the base of the far slope.

Well that's it. Climbing season is over in Archangel Valley. Time to dust off the snowboard I suppose, and maybe work it into some crazy schemes in the near future.

Evenings often get boring as I sit at my computer waiting for a fire call, or building a website. Every now and then I hatch a crazy scheme and try to get people to go along with it, just for some excitement. Usually I wind up right where I started, with rejections from all of my friends, but sometimes something else happens.
Yesterday was a horribly dismal day, filled with nothing but rain and rain and the evening's Search and Rescue training, so I hatched a crazy scheme. Starting well after dark and in a drenching downpour, I would lead my courageous comrades in a quick charge deep into the mountains to a cozy cabin where we'd spend the rest of the night, hoping to wake up to a world of white and frolic in the fresh snow for a while. I expected no takers, as usual, but this day I managed to fool a couple friends into believing that this could be done, and even that it might be fun!

The misery started off just fine, we made the hike in less than two hours and arrived completely drenched at the cabin, where we donned our dry clothes, had some hot soup, and dozed off as conversation died down. In the morning the success of my scheme was realized in the arrival of the first snow of the season at this altitude. I snuck out early to capture what I'd come for.
The Lane Hut, taking beatings and blessings from innumerable travelers over decades of existence.

I tried taking a couple "portraits" of the old cabin. Still not sure how I did.

Put my new camera to the test. Water water everywhere, indeed!

"Is it safe to come out?"

The headwaters of Archangel Creek, twsiting their way through Lane Valley.

Kate and Tommy. I told Kate that for today at least, she's the awesomest girl in the world, just for showing up and enduring the torture some of us think is fun.

Richard, enjoying life to its fullest. This isn't the first time we've been here for the first snow.

Kate again, all smiles. Glad I've got friends like her!

Orange plants trace an ancient path the creek USED to follow. Now it's slightly out of sight running along the base of the far slope.

Well that's it. Climbing season is over in Archangel Valley. Time to dust off the snowboard I suppose, and maybe work it into some crazy schemes in the near future.

John Borland
of wx in the mountains.
Thanks for sharing!
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