
Help improve wedding pic

t-revt-rev Registered Users Posts: 76 Big grins
edited September 25, 2007 in Finishing School
Someone at our wedding took this picture of my wife. I'd like to see if it is possible to improve at all. Wondering if it's possible to make it stand out a little more, maybe lighten it up a bit, maybe blur the background?? I no longer have PS and some of the other free tools I've tried aren't getting me the results I'd like. Here is the link to the orginal:


Thanks for the help!!


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    kygardenkygarden Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2007
    I tried to keep it simple. I see there was a red light shining on her, so I didn't try to remove any red...I think this looks pretty good :)

    If you like it, here's the big one. came out pretty clean. http://www.smugmug.com/photos/198520928-O.jpg

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    SloYerRollSloYerRoll Registered Users Posts: 2,788 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2007
    Here's a take at it. I won't post the original unless you ask for it. There are some awesome pp'rs in here that will do a much better job than I.

    Edits: (Lightroom and CS3)
    Clone out arm in background

    EDIT: No sharpening...rolleyes1.gif

    Edit time 3 minutes.

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    digismiledigismile Registered Users Posts: 955 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2007
    i did much the same as Jon, but thought the photo would be improved by an angled crop:

    First cut:


    final crop as 8x10:


    the photo has a fair amount of noise. even after using noise ninja, it's still a little soft.
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    ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2007
    someone would need to do a proper conversion, lighten up your wife's face a bit, but I think B&W could look good...

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    t-revt-rev Registered Users Posts: 76 Big grins
    edited September 23, 2007
    I like the BW version...
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    ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited September 25, 2007
    t-rev wrote:
    I like the BW version...
    I didn't save it so I made another one. I'm not good in PS, so if someone else could try it, it may very well look much better. I left it uncropped, because I thought that might be easier with printing.

    The file can be downloaded from my gallery, here: http://ivar.smugmug.com/gallery/3538869

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