Minimalism clarification (when the time comes)

hi - this mainly for Andy, but I'm sure everyone will benefit when the time comes. 
Andy, if possible, could I request when the next challenge posts (minimalism), that you could clarify and define what it means to have a minimalist photo? the goal? the criteria to make it minimalist? As an example, it's sort of like having a grading rubric for a test/assignment in school, the various areas we will be "graded" on (does it have xxx characteristic? does it convey xxx meaning clearly?) I know this would help me with the challenge, have set definitions and goals to work toward as part of the challenge, not just a stab in the dark (so to say). I have tried to put together defining characteristics of minimalist photography from Googl'ing, but have not found a clear path. I know others have posted things in other discussion threads, but I still don't see a consensus among the examples/definitions. I would (and I'm sure others) appreciate your 10 cents worth of what *you* will be looking for, *your* defining characteristics of minimalist photography, in the entries to narrow down to the 10.
Thanks mucho

Andy, if possible, could I request when the next challenge posts (minimalism), that you could clarify and define what it means to have a minimalist photo? the goal? the criteria to make it minimalist? As an example, it's sort of like having a grading rubric for a test/assignment in school, the various areas we will be "graded" on (does it have xxx characteristic? does it convey xxx meaning clearly?) I know this would help me with the challenge, have set definitions and goals to work toward as part of the challenge, not just a stab in the dark (so to say). I have tried to put together defining characteristics of minimalist photography from Googl'ing, but have not found a clear path. I know others have posted things in other discussion threads, but I still don't see a consensus among the examples/definitions. I would (and I'm sure others) appreciate your 10 cents worth of what *you* will be looking for, *your* defining characteristics of minimalist photography, in the entries to narrow down to the 10.
Thanks mucho
