
Constraining proportions in crop

asamuelasamuel Registered Users Posts: 451 Major grins
edited September 23, 2007 in Finishing School
I like usually to just edit a full frame, but occasionally I can see a good crop. Now I would like to just have an image the same size as my other full frame pictures but with the appropriate proportions.

I am willing to embrace, grain and rel. pixelation/posterization.

So, I thought a tool would be availiable that just showed crops that would keep the proportions constrained, and hey, if you don't like the result, dont crop it or change the proportions?

I thought this was keep same aspect ratio, but with this I can have any size length + width so I guess not.

Am I missing the tool? or is there a calculation table for use with the rulers?

thanks Sam
where's the cheese at?



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