
On a dark and stormy night....

davidryandavidryan Registered Users Posts: 306 Major grins
edited September 23, 2007 in Landscapes
This shot was taken mid-August from a ranch roughly 40 miles east of the front range of the Colorado Rockies. The first shot is of a thunderhead that formed over the range and pushed over Colorado Springs and headed northeast. It was a really active cell in terms of lightning. The spots of light in the sky above are stars-- the original reason for my night's photo shoot due to the Leonid meteors.


This next shot is of the same thunderstorm (or what it later helped develop). The shot is looking northwest towards Denver instead of Southwest towards the Springs. The lightning became intense overhead-- this warrented my retreat and I went inside before things got really hairy.

I never did get to see the Leonid shower :-(


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