Selling photos on line; ???
I am selling my photos on line, and have had a Photoreflect account up for about 60 days. Sales are very sluggish, only 2 orders for a total of under $200. I was obviously hoping for more, and I reduced prices about 30 days ago, but that didn't help. I have links all over my website, that has about 30 to 40k uniques per month... you'd think that would drive some traffic...
Can someone who understands this process better than me (IE, doing it longer with more success) take a look at my setup and give some critique? Are they still too expensive? Too much to choose from? Too little? Not enough size choices? Too many?
I would also be interested to know if you get an instructional page when clicking this link. I tried to circumvent that page, but poeple say it's still the first thing they see.
I'm scratching my head somewhat on this stuff...
Can someone who understands this process better than me (IE, doing it longer with more success) take a look at my setup and give some critique? Are they still too expensive? Too much to choose from? Too little? Not enough size choices? Too many?
I would also be interested to know if you get an instructional page when clicking this link. I tried to circumvent that page, but poeple say it's still the first thing they see.
I'm scratching my head somewhat on this stuff...
I went to your home page, clicked on a gallery, found a shot, and had no idea how to order it. I just couldn't figure it out at all.
Meaning: wouldn't most people get to your prints for sale through your homepage?
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Thanks David, for looking; when you found a shot and clicked on it, was it in the Photoreflect page or my photopage on one of my websites? Need more detail.
Thanks again for your help...
The URL is:
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Ahh... click on "Index" then "Buy Photos" and follow the bouncing ball. This was not the link I posted on the original post...
I know it wasn't. I was getting into it like a viewer would. I went to your home page, went to landscapes, saw a picture I liked, then had no idea what to do. I missed the Buy Prints thing in the index, maybe it's just me, but I find the navigation pretty, but confusing.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Yeah, that's true; this site was originally set up as a display-only site and I decided to sell photos only after this had been up for a long time. My main referral source will be that has links everywhere.
Thanks, David, I appreciate the feedback.