Just a couple of my shots and a HELLO
Been checking out this forum...SO no more lurking...:D
Just some shots of my model...
I used 3 different PPW effects just to see how it looks....
Same Shot, different effect, different crop...
Just some shots of my model...
I used 3 different PPW effects just to see how it looks....
Same Shot, different effect, different crop...
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
I really like the 1st pic, very sexy look. I might even crop it a bit tighter to her face on the right side.
Hope we get to see more of your work here!
Thank You, I am very flattered! Thanks for the CC...
I was wondering about that....I have like 4 different crops to that 1st one....I'll post tonight sometime for cc. and add your crop to it too.
I posted this crop as the model liked this one, funny how we see something beautiful, and they just pick themselves apart...
Aren't you here since half year ?
But late Hello is equally great as fresh one
XTi, G9, 16-35/2.8L, 100-300USM, 70-200/4L, 19-35, 580EX II, CP-E3, 500/8 ...
DSC-R1, HFL-F32X ... ; AG-DVX100B and stuff ... (I like this 10 years old signature :^)
Very True, Half Year, but never came into the other forums, I just started looking around as of late, sort of "Lurking" ...I know Shoot Me, such great forums, and I was missing out!
I was just so involved in the LPS part, until I read a thread there that was recently posted, I didn't think of looking anywhere else,
Best Regards,
Digital Grin Photography Forum
Subfolders are just for traffic management.
XTi, G9, 16-35/2.8L, 100-300USM, 70-200/4L, 19-35, 580EX II, CP-E3, 500/8 ...
DSC-R1, HFL-F32X ... ; AG-DVX100B and stuff ... (I like this 10 years old signature :^)