Chal 33 ginger New Photos, comments needed

Into The Sunset with excitement........

Above: Chasing The Sunset With Glee, a low country blustery March day
Love All The Way Around

And the old one, Shame On You

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I like the first two more because you see happy emotions.
Keep up the good work.
Take Care,
Aperture Focus Photography
The shot with the girls is really exceptional. It really catches the eye. Although....I think the one with the dogs shows a more distinct "emotion" per say...
I am always impressed with your shots. Please keep it up.
the first looks a bit strange, too soft & oversharpened maybe, and the colours are a little washed out. Its a shame as its such happy shot
The 2nd is just not grabbing me! imho there's too many subjects, I don't know where to look.
I really like your last shot and would choose this from the three, but tbh I'm not sure about the post effects, I'd be keen to see some other versions.
And I still would crop the arm.
Like what else, it has been cropped. And everything but the girl is lightened and desaturated a bit. The differences on that are on another thread that I started at the beginning.
What would you like to see done to it?
Thanks for looking, I pm d you to please look again. At the girls, but I am confused on the last shot. I knew what you were talking about with the girls, but I don't with the last shot.
I am adding this, if you all like it, I will clean it up a bit.
Nice subject, great expressions, but I'm not sure that you're going to be able to get this picture to really pop. The girls are just too soft. It might be possible to sharpen them up, but not without a lot of work.
If you do want to go with this picture, I have a couple comments:
I'm not sure that you need to completely desaturate the background. It might be enough to just knock the saturation down a touch and maybe reduce the contrast a bit. Either way, you might want to clean up the mask around the girls. There are some halos around them:
Thanks, Eric. I so liked that photo I needed someone to tell me it was soft
So I went up to see if I had another one where the lens managed to get its act together. I did not do much to it either. Levels, Saturation (actually desaturated a bit, I think), tried to raise the blue for the blanket, the red for the coat, raised the contrast +3 (I know the books say not to use the contrast, but I forget why, anyway I am afraid to use it now.), and I used the USM once only. Oh, I straightened it a bit. I wanted to leave the "tension" of the vehicle tipping slightly, which it was doing. It was a wild solitary ride for these people. I guess they were trying to get to the end of the walkway before the sun set. g (That is out in the marsh)
I like the first one of the girls in the golf cart the best. It may be just a tiny bit soft, but I think it fits the challenge theme best. The later one of the girls is not as good because the blanket is over the girls face. The light is a little harsh as well.
I prefer the golf cart picture to the original "Shame" picture because it is all one color. I don't care for the post effect on "Shame" or the funny shadows on the girls sweater. They look too much like random desaturation or blurry spots. It just has a strange look. If I had not seen the original picture I would think you had done something strange in post processing.
That's not being very helpful, I know, but that's my 2 cents worth.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Yes, the light is just before sunset, supposed to be sweet. Didn't work for me.
I over exposed all the birds even with -1 EC. Well, I got some good landscapes. And I can use those girls.
You know I was thinking I should ride the bus and try to get someone to let me take their photo. The only people riding are the poor, etc.
g (I get ideas, but I really don't want to, am scared to do some of them without Bill, he will be busy for the next 6 months. The next challenge ought to be well attended. You could shoot just about anything and call it minimal, a white wall with a black spot. Or just the sky, with my dust bunnies making a pattern, well there is minimal right there.)
I bought Noise Ninja to get this finished properly. I tried Neat Image, and it was not as good. That was my honest opinion. I could have done neat image for free. Well, now I have it. Thanks, Snappy, g