Problem with Proof Delay - bug?

I went online to see when my order would ship and when I looked at it, it said today at 12:30ish PST. No problems! (This is the first time I've pushed it to the edge - I usually finish days ahead.)
So I rushed all last night, got most of them uploaded, but ended up having to finish today.
As I finished, I noticed the time to ship was 7:45am - the current time! What?!? I thought it was going to be noon PST?
Then, as I refreshed, I realized that there must be some kind of bug as it always shows the current time as the time for shipping!
So... when DOES an order ship? At the same time it was placed? At midnight? Some other random time? Is this a bug? Seems so!
I've attached two screen shots - the first when I went to my order page (a different order) and then when I refreshed just a short time later.
So I rushed all last night, got most of them uploaded, but ended up having to finish today.
As I finished, I noticed the time to ship was 7:45am - the current time! What?!? I thought it was going to be noon PST?
Then, as I refreshed, I realized that there must be some kind of bug as it always shows the current time as the time for shipping!
So... when DOES an order ship? At the same time it was placed? At midnight? Some other random time? Is this a bug? Seems so!
I've attached two screen shots - the first when I went to my order page (a different order) and then when I refreshed just a short time later.
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Ahh, but you can see in my example above that it doesn't go to press until October and yet it's changing times on every refresh...
Since the current time is shown, what is the ACTUAL time that the order is automatically released for printing?
Thank you! & smugmug
Awesome! Thanks a ton, Ivar...
Just wondering if you had an answer! Really what I need to know is *WHEN* it will ship.... Even if it's not "fixed", knowing what the actual ship time is would be really helpful!
Thanks a ton!
(Can you tell I'm pushing the limits lately?!?)
Deja vu. Check out my thread from November 2006 on this exact same issue.
I'm still looking in to this, but unfortunately making changes and checking on it takes a long time to see what happens over time :cry & smugmug
As a side note, I tested this out yesterday. It appears (although I dont' have 100% confirmation) that it ships at the same time it was ordered on the day shown.
So my last order was placed at 16:30ish and it shipped MY time at 5:30ish pm.....
So I think if I'm careful enough to pay attention to the time ordered, it should be cool. I dont' care if it gets fixed, I just needed to know the time so I didn't get myself in trouble!