Yesterdays photos
Little unhappy with these, but what the hell. Enjoy! Gotta get myself a tripod asap.

My girlfriends name. Gotta represent!

My girlfriends name. Gotta represent!
No time for the old in-out, love, I've just come to read the meter
I bought a $30 tripod...does the job well. If i had an DSLR i would spend some more on it but hell it only has to do one job at the end of the day.
In about 11 days I'm shooting a short film using FILM, and Im going to be dropping about 750 dollars for less than an hour of stock; and thats just for the film itself. Processing costs about 120 bucks for ten minutes so it basically brings it up to about $1400. And thats not counting transfering to DV/color correction, or anything else I need done in processing. Damn film school is breaking my bank man. This cost is for 16mm too. 35 just about quadruples that price.