changeAlbumSettings not working - request & response msgs included

I can't seem to get changeAlbumSettings to work, it always return a nearly empty response message. I realise that Matt already has a thread relating to this going, but I didn't want this info to get buried and not seen by the right people.'s the request I send...
And here is the response I get back from this message...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
My request seems OK to me, if anyone can point out any problems, it would be appreciated.
David's the request I send...
And here is the response I get back from this message...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
My request seems OK to me, if anyone can point out any problems, it would be appreciated.
Thank goodness it's not just me. The bad part is that I spent a lot of hours on this. I originally thought I was sending malformed requests but I took the trouble to build another PHP test harness and I get the same results.
And this was the first method, that I have implemented for updating data to Smugmug, so you can imagine I was excited to see it work...but it didn't
Surprised that Nikolai hasn't come across this ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I wai.. spent quite some time when those API updates were posted. But, as I mentioned before, none of the issues I repeatedly reported were addressed, and things were getting crazy at work due to the trade show, so I simply gave up.
I am kinda surprised that despite of all our bug reports and frequent complaints NONE of the "new" APIs were fixed during these, what, 4 weeks? 6 weeks?
{ two paragraphs of snide remarks and salty comments erased :-}
Life is beautiful! :-)
There is a nice haiku thread at STF:
I posted few "Hopeless Haikus" there, too.
And here I just want to add one, specific to our situation:
Empty response
RPC-XML is not working
Nobody cares