Upload through email missing caption

I'm using SmugMug's email feature to let parents upload and share photos by using the email upload feature. The page is password protected, but I figure you support-heroes out there can get past that.
There are currently two photos there. The latest one was submitted as a test by a parent. She says she included a body in the email, but there's no caption on the latest photo. Is there a way for you to check if this was user error on her part, or if there's some other caveat to this email body caption stuff?
There are currently two photos there. The latest one was submitted as a test by a parent. She says she included a body in the email, but there's no caption on the latest photo. Is there a way for you to check if this was user error on her part, or if there's some other caveat to this email body caption stuff?
HTML email doesn't work for setting the caption. I used Yahoo! Mail which has a Rich Text editor for emails. Switching to Plain Text, the body of the email will show up as the caption on the attached JPG.
Another caveat - I tried a GIF instead of a JPG, and I got nothing showing up.
May I humbly request that the email upload system be made a little more robust? I had wanted to build a gallery for parents to share their own photos, but if there are too many steps to remember, it just won't get used.
Thank you.
But I'd still like to know if it would be possible to accept text in HTML-email (as that's pretty common today) as the caption, converting it to plain text.
Or, is email upload a red-headed stepchild feature? :P