Mac Multiple Galleries Upload
I found a nice thread on doing multiple galleries in a batch upload if you are using star*explorer, but is there anything on the Mac side that will do this to Smugmug?
Is FTP an option if my client supports S3?
I use Aperture and have the need to send 10-20 galleries containing 75-150 pictures each in a day. I'm looking for a set and forget type workflow, so that I can shoot all day, process till the wee hours and then have it upload while I sleep. Anything like this for Mac?
Is FTP an option if my client supports S3?
I use Aperture and have the need to send 10-20 galleries containing 75-150 pictures each in a day. I'm looking for a set and forget type workflow, so that I can shoot all day, process till the wee hours and then have it upload while I sleep. Anything like this for Mac?
What I was really hoping for is to be able to use an Automator script with ApetureToSmugmug, but alas I'm not the programing type and don't really know how to go about it.
I'll give MacUploader a shot.
So is this actually possible with the Mac Uploader?? I looked through all that thread and couldn't find any reference to being able to do that. It looked like there were some folks *wanting* to do it, but nothing about actually being able to do it. Is there no way, or tool, to be able to do this from the mac?
I'm in the same boat.
Star Explorer is great. I'm thinking of export from Aperture to external drive. connect it to a PC with MacDrive and do everything from starExplorer. any insight?
What I ended up doing is just launching multiple (er, 20) copies of the mac uploader (in Terminal, "open -n ~/Applications/photo/SmugMug\"), pointing each at a different gallery, and then letting all 20 of them run and upload simultaneously.
It's probably not very efficient to have them all running simultaneous and competing for bandwidth (and well, dealing with 20 open and running copies of the application is a bit of a UI challenge), but until the uploader supports uploading to multiple galleries, it's the best solution I could find.
It has a 'Add Folder' (Auto create) feature that lets you just drag your main folder into S*E and it will create galleries (customized with your default settings) with the same folder structure naming.
All you need to do after (or before) is putting them in the right Cat/SubCat.
and re-apply your custom watermark (not supported in S*E yet), 'sharegroups' is also not supported. but for loading a lot of galleries and keep the folder structure it's great.