
PhotoShop/Lightroom/Viewer Issue

k2butterk2butter Registered Users Posts: 259 Major grins
edited September 26, 2007 in Finishing School
My pictures do not look the same from one program to the next. I had posted this issue a while ago, but never fully resolved it, I never posted a sample of what I saw, today, I took a screen shot of what a photo will look like in Photoshop and what it looks like in WIndow and Fax viewer...

I have the color settings in PSE set on srgb color space... what am I missing???? BTW, PSE worked just fine until I got LIghtroom... I love both of the programs and want to be able to edit pictures with them, but I can't when they look like this....


Screen Shot of what it looks like in Window and Fax Viewer

Screen Shot of what the photo looks like in PhotoShop Elements:

PS: If I put this in the wrong forum, please move! Thanks!


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    DogdotsDogdots Registered Users Posts: 8,795 Major grins
    edited September 25, 2007
    Wow what a difference. I don't have an answer, but am waiting to see what others say.
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    DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited September 25, 2007
    Moved! :D
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    k2butterk2butter Registered Users Posts: 259 Major grins
    edited September 25, 2007
    DavidTO wrote:
    Moved! :D

    Thank you for moving this!
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    jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    Can you post a link to the original image (with EXIF and colorspace info) that behaves this way so we see what's going on with the color space information?
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    k2butterk2butter Registered Users Posts: 259 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    Here is the link to the original (click on picture): not sure how to include the color space info???

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    jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    k2butter wrote:
    Here is the link to the original (click on picture): not sure how to include the color space info???


    For those looking for the image (which didn't show up in the previous posting), it's here http://k2butter.smugmug.com/photos/200659279-O.jpg.

    This is a wild guess since I can't see your system, but the only way I can reproduce something like this is if the image is indeed in sRGB, but Elements is not set to sRGB, but is instead set to something like AppleRGB. You should check to see if Elements is actually set to sRGB. With some settings in Elements, this causes Elements to Assign the AppleRGB profile which messes up the colors.
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    k2butterk2butter Registered Users Posts: 259 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    Where do I look in elements? At the color settings? I checked, they are set to sRGB. I am using WIndows XP as my operating system....
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    k2butterk2butter Registered Users Posts: 259 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    I FIGURED IT OUT!!! THANKS TO YOU JOHN!!!! I could kiss ya!!!

    When you said operating system, and set to apple, i figured, well, i wonder how I check that! So, I figured that out, and sure enough, it was set to something other than sRGB, which explaines the issue I have had since getting lightroom with exporting photos, they would look different in LR than the thumbnail when I exported... that is now fixed too!!! wings.gif

    I have been trying to figure this out for a month (off and on)...

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    jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    k2butter wrote:
    I FIGURED IT OUT!!! THANKS TO YOU JOHN!!!! I could kiss ya!!!

    When you said operating system, and set to apple, i figured, well, i wonder how I check that! So, I figured that out, and sure enough, it was set to something other than sRGB, which explaines the issue I have had since getting lightroom with exporting photos, they would look different in LR than the thumbnail when I exported... that is now fixed too!!! wings.gif

    I have been trying to figure this out for a month (off and on)...


    Cool! For those interested in the technical explanation, my guess is that Elements was configured to Assign (not convert) some non-sRGB profile to every image that it loaded. That would cause the colors to shift on all sRGB images.

    The color settings in Elements are not very intuitive (hmmm, maybe there is no such thing as intuitive color management settings), so I can see how it would be easy to get this goofed up.
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    k2butterk2butter Registered Users Posts: 259 Major grins
    edited September 26, 2007
    Mine was set to something called nI176v...???

    I am fairly new to this stuff, I can "get" software, but when it comes to system stuff, I start to get that gazed look in my eyes! eek7.gifLaughing.gif
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