a few of my portraits
I'm going to try and inbed a few pictures I have taken - they are from my Flickr site - if they don't work please forgive me, my first try to post. Any feedback would be appreciated. I am still a beginner - bought my Olympus DSLR earlier this year. Your feedback most welcome...
1. Composition is confusing--what's the focus point of the image?
2. The lighting is too hot for my taste and the model looks as if she's pasted onto the backdrop.
3. The blown highlights in the upper right of the image ruin the image and draw my attention away from the girl. Also, the nose of the girl is out of perspective to the rest of the face, as if a wide angle lens was used to create an effect that failed.
4. There are no shadow details in the image--it looks as if the model is poking her way out of a black hole, feet and legs first, then her arms and finally the head finds the light.
Welcome to dgrin:D ...
great effort..... I think the compositions are OK but feel that the post processing is a bit harsh...IMHO
Keep posting
The images I see...
That's what I like about this one... I think it's really cool looking. I think a different pose might have worked better... this looks like she's just leaning over to adjust her shoes or something. And her facial expression is kind of lifeless. But I dig the "black hole" effect.