New Galery Help
I have created a new gallery called "how to order". I have copied the info off of your website and copied the pics and then uploaded them to my website. I have copied the names to the code, however the pics still do not show up. I have no idea why. Also I want to hide the gallery pics at the bottom of the page. What is the best way for me to hide the pics?
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your help.
Add these to you CSS.
.gallery_1885637 #breadcrumb,
.gallery_1885637 .journal_entry,
.gallery_1885637 #albumNav_top,
.gallery_1885637 #albumNav_bottom {display: none;}
My Website index | My Blog
I don't see any image links in your source code. Try copying again. You should be able to leave the image links as-is, but if you want to copy them, I'd suggest putting them in a private gallery and linking to them there. They do not need to be in the same gallery.