Ducks and Kites on the Ota River
Well I went back down to see if the Great Egret was there again today. It wasn't but I got a few shots of some other birds. I underexposed most of my shots :cry and ended up with a lot of noise in the ones I post processed to lighten up. again the 200mm wasn't quite enough, but I was still happy with some of the results. Here are a few:


3.I was too far away and it was sitting in the shade, but I managed to snap this kingfisher taking a break

4. Kite

5. Kite

6. Kites circling

7. Kites circling

8. Someone else also after the birds...


3.I was too far away and it was sitting in the shade, but I managed to snap this kingfisher taking a break

4. Kite

5. Kite

6. Kites circling

7. Kites circling

8. Someone else also after the birds...

Blue winged teals? I was wondering what they are, and I'm not really up on all the bird types. The kites are the Japanese tonbi, or black kite. I think they are found throughout Asia, and certainly down in northern Aus too. As for the feline, well I think I spotted her jumping up to peek at me (the noisy bugger walking through the bush) the day before. This time I stumbled upon her too close, so she just hunkered down and froze!
BIF? Do you mean birds in flight?