Lost My Images

Last night the unthinkable happened as far as I am concerned. I have a RAID device running to back up all my images, so I have 2 copies so if anything happens to 1 drive I still have the other one. Fail safe I thought... until both drives failed within 10 minutes of each other!!!
How annoyed and angry am I!!
Thank god for SMUGMUG... I have high res files of all my photo's safely tucked away in Smugmug's capable hands to get me out of a hole. I only hope that data can be recovered from my failed hard drives so I can have my nice RAW files back!!
:cry :cry :cry
How annoyed and angry am I!!
Thank god for SMUGMUG... I have high res files of all my photo's safely tucked away in Smugmug's capable hands to get me out of a hole. I only hope that data can be recovered from my failed hard drives so I can have my nice RAW files back!!
:cry :cry :cry
Good luck on recovery...............
I had a simular situation happen to a friend once. It seems like a veritable titanic of data loss. Can't happen, but it does.
Glad SM was there to salvage your shots!
There's a great thread on data backup and the options here, since your faith in technology is (and should) be shook after this ordeal.
All the best,
For this reason, I have a USB attached harddrive that copies all files from my primary drive on a SATA controller. This backup actually occurs every 24hrs, so that I do have a days notice if something goes wrong with the primary, and my risk is only one day's work. critical photos (some committent) get backed up to yet a different hard drive (IDE), until the two backups are in place or I feel safe.
good luck with your recovery attempts! if you're a PPA member, i think there's a discount at drivesavers.com
as for DVD media, i recommend the premium verbatim discs. i gave up on the cheapy discs a long time ago.
- my photography: www.dangin.com
- my blog: www.dangin.com/blog
- follow me on twitter: @danginphoto
Mac or PC? What brand of drive. If it's a Mac (HFS+) I highly recommend disk warrior. Just mount one of the drives outside of the enclosure, namely off the RAID controller and run disk warrior on it. Chances are great your data will be recovered.
regular site
smug site
And me too. About 6.5 years ago on a server that was running RAID on 4 disks. Classic 'failed right away' (about 2 months old). At least it only took replacing 2 drives before we realized that the hot swap wasn't bad ...
-Fleetwood Mac