Help..Andy or Rich
Im currently having some internal trouble with my site. I have a category called Website Information which contains my galleries for the About Me, Guestbook and Contact Pages.
My trouble is with the Contact Gallery and the fact that when I go to edit the description to enter in html code I am not able to Save or Cancel. Essentially I am stuck with whats in there right now and have no way to change it. The only way I can get the edit box is to refresh the page.
Everything was working fine earlier tonight and things went array while I was working on my contact page.
What can I do to fix this?
My trouble is with the Contact Gallery and the fact that when I go to edit the description to enter in html code I am not able to Save or Cancel. Essentially I am stuck with whats in there right now and have no way to change it. The only way I can get the edit box is to refresh the page.
Everything was working fine earlier tonight and things went array while I was working on my contact page.
What can I do to fix this?
Ok so I added in the the form again using html and everything worked ok then after I saved what I put in and refresh the page I again lost the Save and Cancel options. In order to remove the text in the gallery description I have to click on the image in that gallery and there is a small edit button in the bottom right corner which allows me to edit the description again.
Not sure why this happens any ideas?
Are you wrapping all that code in html tags? My guess is that there is an unclosed tag or something similar that is preventing the stuff after it from loading properly.
You can also get to the album description by choosing customize from the gallery menu.
Yup you were missing a bunch of closing tags. That will make things go wonky every time. <textarea> needs </textarea>, <td> needs </td>, <tr> needs </tr>, <table> needs </table>, and <html> needs </html>.
I fixed you up. Take a look at it and compare it to what you had in there which was this: