Where's my Ship It! button?

I had my first order where the customer had also ordered from another Pro account. I have a proof delay set up, but I don't see the Ship It button. I understand the order won't really process until the other Pro approves their stuff. What action do I need to take here, if any?
OrderID 391376
OrderID 391376
Whether or not the customer ordered from another pro or not, doesn't influence the 'ship it' button. Do you not see it in your control panel?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
- On orders that involve more than one pro who has proof-delay in effect, the ship it button will not appear. The order will ship on the day noted.
I still don't know how to sumbmit or commit the changes I make. I just went through a large order (yay!) and adjusted a bunch of things, but there's no Sumbit button, or the like. Can this be clarified in the Help?Thanks, guys!
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Great feedback. I'll make a note to add this to the help page.
Just to be clear, there's no need to "submit" anything on a proof-delay order. Ever. If you make the changes on the order page, they'll be automatically applied to the order. You can keep making changes up until you hit the ship it button or the order gets automatically sent to the lab (after the full proof-days are up). When the order automatically gets sent to the lab, we use the settings and images currently shown on that order page.