help: forcing view style, and "Journal" ?'s

I've been keeping a daily photo for over a year now, and have experimented with different styles throughout. My favorite way of presenting them is almost blog style, photo, some shooting info, quick comment/description...
Until recently, I did this on my own webpage, keeping all the photos on smugmug. But I'd like to try and take more advantage of smugmug and make my life a little easier. So my questions: (keep in mind, I have a basic account - and I get the feeling, the answer to many of these is easy if I upgrade, so just tell me that!
1. can I force a gallery to be viewed as a certain style? Say Journal perhaps?
2. In journal style, can I se the size of the images? they seem random, basically, in my daily photo, i just post small 500x333 size images, so the vertical ones seem shrunk, while the horizontal ones are ok. I'd like to force them to be full size.
3. the exif info is there... can I link it somehow? It doesn't appear below the image like in the elegant view.
4. is there an easy way to edit captions in journal? I always have to switch view modes first...
Until recently, I did this on my own webpage, keeping all the photos on smugmug. But I'd like to try and take more advantage of smugmug and make my life a little easier. So my questions: (keep in mind, I have a basic account - and I get the feeling, the answer to many of these is easy if I upgrade, so just tell me that!

1. can I force a gallery to be viewed as a certain style? Say Journal perhaps?
2. In journal style, can I se the size of the images? they seem random, basically, in my daily photo, i just post small 500x333 size images, so the vertical ones seem shrunk, while the horizontal ones are ok. I'd like to force them to be full size.
3. the exif info is there... can I link it somehow? It doesn't appear below the image like in the elegant view.
4. is there an easy way to edit captions in journal? I always have to switch view modes first...
moderator of: The Flea Market [ guidelines ]
moderator of: The Flea Market [ guidelines ]
You can do this in the pro account. I think you can w/ a power user account too, but I'm not 100% sure
I have the same problem. I've not found a way around it, and I have a pro account.
you actually have to click on the photo when in journal view. This will give the normal "look" with the photo info & shopping cart.
Just click on the photo & it will take you to the 1 image / page. You'll see the dropdown box with all the goodies there. No need to switch views.
When you have Journal view set on your computer w/ a normal account, your visitors will default to the smugmug elegant & will have the ability to change it any way they want.
Hope this helps.
Dave (gallery)
So a healthy bump for this query.
moderator of: The Flea Market [ guidelines ]