Remote HD backup Serivces
I don't know if I have placed this in the correct forum or not, but here is my inquiry.
I have approx. 300 GB of photos that I have backup on 3 HD's using the Apreture "Vault" system....but I also want remote off site backup. Any suggestions on who and how I should go about this. I just looked at one company that offers such a service and it would cost $200/mo for 50GB backup!!! Wow, there has to be different options out there?
Suggestions please.
Thanks Shane
I don't know if I have placed this in the correct forum or not, but here is my inquiry.
I have approx. 300 GB of photos that I have backup on 3 HD's using the Apreture "Vault" system....but I also want remote off site backup. Any suggestions on who and how I should go about this. I just looked at one company that offers such a service and it would cost $200/mo for 50GB backup!!! Wow, there has to be different options out there?
Suggestions please.
Thanks Shane
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Here's a link to the Amazon S3 page showing their prices: Their per month storage price is $.15 per GB, which is significantly less than the price you quoted above. By my calculations, 300 GB at $.15 is $45 per month.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I've got several hundred GB backed up with Mozy. Check out my blog post on online photo backups for more info; I've been very happy with the service.
I'm also using Jungle Disk at a few clients (non-photo related; much less data). I like it, although I think they'll be charging for it soon or are already (over and above the Amazon S3 pricing). The roadblock for me is that the storage pricing is too high for large amounts of data...
I'm with Belg on this. I have two removable SATA HD sleds, one holds my normal digital files and scans, the other one has other data I use for work. On a regular basis I yank the 2nd drive out, pop in a 500gb drive and back-up everything on my normal "photo" drive. That back-up drive gets stored in a cabinet in another room. Less often I put a 3rd drive in, back it up, and store it at another location.
I haven't done it yet, but I plan to get a 1TB drive and do a 6-month back-up to be stored in a safe deposit box.
The reason I do the DVD/CD method is that it is not magnetic media so I believe that it might survive better in case of problem. Also I don't have to worry about the drive not being supported on a "recovery" system as pretty much everything can read a DVD/CD.
This stuff can be done on the cheap also, such as asking a family member you don't live with to keep the stuff for you. It all depends on your comfort level.
Hope that helps.
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
They're reasonably priced (currently showing 50 bucks per year) but if I remember correctly I paid 80 dollars for 2 years when paid up front.
Basically it's unlimited online storage of any folders on your PC. The best part is it's fully integrated into Explorer so the files are updated in the background. No need for you to schedule a backup because it's happening the whole time.