Maintenance (Read Only) Th 4 Oct 2007 @ 10:00pm - 03:00am PDT

We will be performing work during our regularly scheduled Maintenance Window this Thursday night. We hope that there won't be any impact, however there might be an instance in which we need to place the site into read-only mode. If things go really haywire, we may have to take the site offline while we fix it. Hopefully things will go smoothly, and you won't even notice!
Progress will be posted in this thread during the window. Sorry for any inconvenience!
(We're going to be working on our master databases!)
We will be performing work during our regularly scheduled Maintenance Window this Thursday night. We hope that there won't be any impact, however there might be an instance in which we need to place the site into read-only mode. If things go really haywire, we may have to take the site offline while we fix it. Hopefully things will go smoothly, and you won't even notice!
Progress will be posted in this thread during the window. Sorry for any inconvenience!
(We're going to be working on our master databases!)
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Again to the powers that be, can we have times that refer to GMT - I still have no idea what PDT is.
Thanks for the notice guys - any chance you could put a slightly more universal timestamp on this thing - such as UTC or GMT. I'm in Australia and I'm not entirely sure which of the US timezones this is going to occur during, though most people should be able to work out where they are relative to GMT/UTC.
Cheers !
to 10.00 UTC/Zulu Friday Oct 5: & smugmug
if you click through to the sticky post, which describes our reserved maintenance window, for Thursdays, you can see a time chart. I've had it there for nearly a year or maybe more? Is that useful?
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The wizards of Smug are adding new magic tonight, so we're in window shopping mode. You can view all the photos you like, but for a few minutes we're unable to sell prints or take new photos or comments. Stay tuned! The SmugMug team
So how do i go into 'read only' mode (look at my photos)... is there a button to click?, as everything leads back to this window.
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i can't wait to see what's new!
Probably is. But I've had this problem before of not being able to log in. I can't recreate the situation though..
yes, we are currently in read-only mode.. which basically disables logged in sessions
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
And even so, Smugmug in general is wayyyy cooler and easier than FTP-ing my images to a host and then logging in and trying to find them, or worse having to "notify" a gallery host that I FTP'd them... Call me old-fashioned, but I like to go online to upload photos, I like drag-and-drop, and I like to sit there and watch them upload. Okay I like to sit there and watch the first image upload, then I get up and go do something else lol.
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Now to start uploading again ...
(lots of under-the-hood stuff with our database infrastructure tonight)
Just as a matter of interest, were stats and thumbs up/down also disabled during the maintenance?
I'm pretty sure photorank (thumbs up/down) voting goes away when they flip the big "read only" switch.
yeah since it's read only, I believe there is no db write access at all.
SmugMug API Developer
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