Washington Cascades: Teanaway Basin

Two weeks ago, a long-time friend and I went for a quick two-day camp and hike in Washington state's Teanaway basin near Mt. Stuart north of Cle Elum. It was pretty cold with clouds swirling around us in the evening. We were on the dry side of the Cascades and watched the wet weather head westwards. Then we hiked back down to our tent, built a fire, and heated up some blackberry brandy and schnaps.
A few indicative shots:

This is the Teanaway basin looking up at Esmerslda Peaks. The mountains here are about 6500 ft.

The low lying berry bushes provide vivid colors in the fall

There were a few Indian paintbrush remnants around still

At dusk you can see the ominous clouds moving west over Hawkins mountain. Here we are in the "dry" east side of the Cascades and we watched storms blow over us while emitting a dozen drops. Western Washington gets all the fabled wet weather.

We ended up getting back to camp in the dark but it was just fine and with certain benefits.

The following morning was sunny and warm and Ingalls Peak to the north stood about 7600ft.

Finally, this Zenitar ultra-wide angle shot shows the broader Ingalls Creek basin.
It was a great little escape for two guys who have been friends for 33 years.
A few indicative shots:

This is the Teanaway basin looking up at Esmerslda Peaks. The mountains here are about 6500 ft.

The low lying berry bushes provide vivid colors in the fall

There were a few Indian paintbrush remnants around still

At dusk you can see the ominous clouds moving west over Hawkins mountain. Here we are in the "dry" east side of the Cascades and we watched storms blow over us while emitting a dozen drops. Western Washington gets all the fabled wet weather.

We ended up getting back to camp in the dark but it was just fine and with certain benefits.

The following morning was sunny and warm and Ingalls Peak to the north stood about 7600ft.

Finally, this Zenitar ultra-wide angle shot shows the broader Ingalls Creek basin.
It was a great little escape for two guys who have been friends for 33 years.
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Thanks both of you for your kind words. It has been so wet and cold on the west side of the mountains that my family and I are headed back to the Teanaway this weekend.