
PhotoShop Wizards Challenge -or- HELP!!!!

Pixel PopperPixel Popper Registered Users Posts: 280 Major grins
edited October 4, 2007 in Finishing School
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am desperate for your help!!! What I have here is a rather crappy image on on kinds of levels. The lighting is bad, the flash coverage was uneven -hot at the top, not enough at the bottom, shiny faces, and soft focus.

My problem here is that a VERY high profile client wants this image, and I am too embarrased to hand over something of this low quality. My second problem is that I am not proficient enough with Photoshop to fix it.

On the right is Doug Gansler, the Attorney General for the state of Maryland, and to his left is a genuine war hero, Major Daniel Gade and his wife.

I am appealing to your kindness and generosity. Please, PLEASE, won't someone work your magic on this photo to make it presentable. I would be forever grateful for any assistance you might be able to offer.

Here is the image:



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    pemmettpemmett Registered Users Posts: 507 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2007
    Not exactly an expert, but here's my attempt. Do you have the hi-res image?

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    Pixel PopperPixel Popper Registered Users Posts: 280 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2007
    Hey, Pemmett, thanks for taking a crack at it. I appreciate that. And yes, I do have the high res image. You want I should send it to you?
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    pemmettpemmett Registered Users Posts: 507 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2007
    Hey, Pemmett, thanks for taking a crack at it. I appreciate that. And yes, I do have the high res image. You want I should send it to you?

    You can send it to emmett.photography@gmail.com

    "Take a moment to capture a memory that will last forever"
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    pyrtekpyrtek Registered Users Posts: 539 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2007



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    Pixel PopperPixel Popper Registered Users Posts: 280 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2007
    Thanks ever so much, Bernard! Somehow, I just knew that you would get in on this one. :D

    If it exists out there on one of these forums, might you point me toward a tutorial or two which would explain how you accomplished this?

    Thanks, again!

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    Pixel PopperPixel Popper Registered Users Posts: 280 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2007
    pemmett wrote:
    You can send it to emmett.photography@gmail.com


    SENT! Many thanks. thumb.gif
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    pyrtekpyrtek Registered Users Posts: 539 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2007
    If it exists out there on one of these forums, might you point me toward a tutorial or two which would explain how you accomplished this?
    There are literally thousands of tutorials out there. I prefer books, myself. I
    can simply tell you what I did, though.

    First, I used a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to reduce the reds a little bit.
    I also lightened them a tad so that they wouldn't be so harsh. I masked out
    the background from this adjustment so that only their faces were affected.
    Next, I used the healing brush to get rid of the flash glare from their faces.
    I just sampled good skin and healed the white patches working with a small
    brush and zoomed to 200%. Then I added a levels layer, hit OK without
    changing anything and set its blending mode to Screen. This made the entire
    image brighter, but at 100% it was too much so I reduced the opacity to 25%.
    Finally, I cloned out the nasty sign behind Messieur Gansler and sharpened the
    image a little bit.
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    z_28z_28 Registered Users Posts: 956 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2007
    Effects should be better if full size unprocessed file would be available.
    52kB picture is way too small for processing.

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    rwellsrwells Registered Users Posts: 6,084 Major grins
    edited October 4, 2007

    Got rid of the stuff coming out of Gade's head, hair on side of wife's face, red cast out of AG's shirt, lost the sign behind AG, etc...

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